I looked around for a café to keep my mind off of the subject. Soon enough after a couple seconds of looking I found a hero's café.

The sidewalks were busy people coming towards me from different directions.

"Excuse me, Sorry, oh sorry I didn't mean to-" I said shuffling my way through people while I walked towards the café.

The streets were loud with people chatting on their phones left and right.

I just need to get to the café. I thought as I pushed past a couple more people.

Soon enough I arrived at the two glass doors. I pushed them open and walked in.

I walked to the wooden counter next to the display case full of different pastries. I was met with a warm smile.

"Hello there!" A pretty girl with short brown hair said.

"Oh uh- hi!" I stuttered. I looked up at the chalk board and studied the options.

An iced tea? No that makes the tea watery. Coffee? No it's mid day.

"Uh I'll take a vanilla frap," I said pulling off my best smile.

"Ok! We'll get you one real quick!" She said in her sweet voice. She then closed her eyes for a moment.

She then opened her eyes.

"Anything else sir!?" She asked.

"Oh you can call me Midoryia. I'm gonna be coming here a lot. Oh and uh no I'm good thanks though!" I replied.

Then a gust of wind came from behind the counter knocking my hood off.

"Midoryia!? As in Izuku Midoryia!?" A male voice asked from behind the counter. The whole café went silent except for the soft music.

"Iida-kun you're going to scare the customers!" The brown haired girl said.

"Sorry Ura, but I know him!" Iida said.

I rubbed my eyes. I was so confused.

"How do you know my name?" I asked as the café started to errupt into small chatter again.

"Excuse my rudeness. But you applied to UA and you didn't have a quirk so you couldn't get in correct?" Iida asked.

I looked at him with surprise.

"Yea... how did you know?" I asked taken a back.

"Well you seemed like a strong individual and I wanted to meet up with you after I was told who had applied at the school. I never had the chance, though. Not after meeting my soulmate and getting caught up in school work," he said putting his hand on the brown haired girls head.

"Oh... well uh I'm here now," I laughed.

"Hello Izuku. If you don't mind me calling you that," the girl said.

"Oh hi... er what's you name?" I asked not recalling her name.

"Oh sorry I forgot to tell you! I'm Ochaco Uraraka!" She said grabbing a cup.

"Hi Uraraka," I said as she poured different things into the cup.

"This place closes around 2:00 so if you could, would you like to meet up again so we can talk?" Iida asked.

A sat for a moment to think.

"Sure, I guess that would be fine! I don't think I'm doing anything at that time," I responded as I was handed my drink.

I stuck my hand into my pocket and fished out 216.17 yen and handed it to Uraraka.

"Thanks, we'll see you later Izuku!" She said carefully taking the money.

[-] The Voice I Keep Hearing [-] (A Bakudeku Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now