35. Dates All Around - Cora

Start from the beginning

My phone started ringing on the couch cushion beside me and I jumped and stared at it. No one called me, no one. Heck, not even E called me. Yet as I stared at my phone, his name jumped out at me from the screen.

I picked it up and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey, chica."

I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at the screen again, brows pulled together in confusion, but the screen still read Theo's name. "Theo? Are you ok?"

I heard him chuckle. "Yeah, why?"

I let out a short laugh. What is this boy on right now? "Chica? And you're calling me? Neither of those things fits the norm."

He laughed again. "No, I was just trying something out. Guess I won't keep chica."

"You could always go back to Pip," I said quietly.

He was silent. "Yeah, maybe." He didn't sound convinced. "Wanna do something today? Only a few days left before you and Elle start school and I'm taking all the time I can get with you."

Well, screw staying home. "Yeah, I'd love to! What are we doing?" I just didn't get it. He pulled away but said stuff like that. The boy was going to give me a brain aneurysm.

"Alfonzo's?" he asked. The four of us had gone there at least twice a week and we were all now considered 'regulars' by the man himself. It was a nice feeling, being a part of something like that.

I looked up at the clock on the wall. Almost noon. Perfect. I grinned. "Hell, yes, Alfonzo's. Should I call Elle? Invite her and Jay?"

I could practically hear him smile on the other end of the line. "No, I don't think so. If you would actually check your phone, you'd see that they're on their first date right now."

"What?" I knew they had gotten super-duper close, but woah.

He laughed yet again. "Oh, yeah. He took her to the beach or something, I think. I don't know and I didn't ask for details on what their day would include." His innuendo was clear, even to me.

I shook my head, laughing. "Theo! Those are our best friends! Don't talk about them like that!" I meant to sound offended, but the laughing gave me away.

"Yeah, yeah, but you know I'm right."

I laughed but didn't disagree. I knew that we both know Elle and Jay better than that, but I also knew E was going to keep at this because it pushed my buttons. "What time are you picking me up?" I asked.


"What?" I asked, just as a knock sounded at the door. "Oh, you jerk! I'm in my pajamas still!"

His laugh was so loud I could hear it in real life, not just through the phone. I ended the call without saying anything else and instead screamed towards the general direction of the door. "IT'S OPEN!"

His laughter continued as he walked into the house.

I didn't wait for him and just turned the TV off and walked upstairs to change. I wondered when I became this comfortable with him, to just easily coexist with him in the same space and be happy just being near him.

I laughed as I walked into my room, swinging the door shut behind me. I turned when I didn't hear the usual door-clicking-shut noise and saw who else, but the gorgeous, brown haired, blue-eyed Theo Archer standing there, leaning against the door frame and pushing my door open.

He smiled. "Been a while since I've been up here."

I nodded, smiling back at him. He was veering into territory that we hadn't come near in weeks. What was he going to say? Oh, my lord, it was killing me.

By Chance (Accidentally In Luck #1)Where stories live. Discover now