2. Lion or Kitten? - E

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I rested my head on the headrest of my Audi, closed my eyes, and sighed. It had been too long of a day and I was ready for a break.

I had just finished a long string of interviews about my upcoming album and, I don't care how much I've done it in the past two years, it's still extremely exhausting.

I'd driven around for an hour after my last interview, feeling tired and annoyed. Even after all this time, I still couldn't understand why they wanted to know some things about me.

I remembered the last interview with shocking clarity. After a while they usually run together, but that lady had just stuck in my mind.

"We all know you to be the absolute heart breaker, Theo, and it's no secret that you're hardly seen without at least several girls around you at all times, but tell us: is it all true? Do you like playing the field as much as you do, or do you have a girlfriend that you're secretly hiding away?" The lady, introduced to me as Janet, leaned forward eagerly.

Yeah, really gotta love the bullshit about being surrounded by girls all the time. Every one of those damn paparazzi shots like that was actually me getting mobbed by fans who pose so it looks like I'm with them all. Not to mention because I was never posing, I always managed to look drunk or high in the pictures when in reality it was exhaustion and just not being ready for a picture.

I looked away from Janet's eyes as I shook my head, a fake smile plastered on my lips. "Nah," I replied nonchalantly. "With how much time I spend on the road, there's not much room for that 'someone special,' you know?" I gave her a 'what can you do' shrug before continuing. "And as for the 'lovable heart breaker' title I have, I don't really know what to say. I never really meant to break any hearts, Janet, I'm just waiting for that one girl, the one who captures my heart. I just haven't met her yet. In the meantime, though..." I gave a suggestive glance towards the camera.

I could practically hear my manager's congrats for that answer. She would be so proud of me for breaking more hearts. I didn't mean half of it though. I had plenty of time for a girlfriend and only got busy when something was happening. Even then, she could come backstage and to interviews and stuff.

The problem was that every girl I'd run into after my breakout single was only interested in me because of the fame and popularity. Even those that didn't want to be famous still came after me because they thought they were in love with me thanks to the info they got off the fan accounts Instagrams.

I wanted to find a real girl, one who didn't care that my name has been said in every country. One who looked past the player façade I put on for the press and my fans. Honestly, it just sucked ass that I had to pretend around everyone because that just meant that there was a basically nonexistent chance of me ever meeting someone as me and not as Theo Archer.

The damn façade I put on to sell albums was doing nothing for me but hurting me. Problem was: the image had followed me this far and no one would believe it if I suddenly just wasn't a player anymore and I hadn't met anyone that had made me want to drop the image because sadly enough, the image actually saved me sometimes from the girls who wanted nothing but to be on Theo Archer's arm.

Despite loving that I get to do the thing I love most: make music for people; I absolutely hated the fame thing. I did my best to stay out of the media, but the media didn't like that and chased me everywhere.

I shook off the anger starting to build in my gut and remembered the next part of the interview.

"Oh my!" she gushed. "Do you hear that ladies? Theo Archer is just waiting for a girl to come snatch his heart, but he's open to look around until he finds her."

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