10. The Adorable Boy Version - Cora

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I didn't expect my night to officially start at 9 o'clock with Theo Archer.

I really didn't expect to be called beautiful and perfect and be kissed on the cheek by Theo Archer.

Walking with him was awkward for the first two steps after the incident, but I loosened up fast after I called him out on his purple pants. (Like for real, what even are those?) I was still blushing like an idiot though and it didn't help that every time I looked at him, he was grinning at me like a child seeing candy.

He seemed different than I expected. I mean, I know you're not supposed to believe everything you see online, but the evidence was overwhelmingly against him at all points in time.

That was the defense I used when I started accusing myself for telling him my real feelings towards Elle. I'd never told anyone I felt inferior around her because I really did love her more than anyone else in the world. Well, except one person, but that doesn't count. Not anymore... It's just— you can't not feel a little inferior when your best friend has been offered modelling contracts and you're the class nerd/weirdo. You think it even if you don't want to.

A while later, we somehow ended up in a little pizza place on a street I'd never heard of. As soon as we walked in the doors, a portly Italian man made his way to us and eagerly grasped Theo's hand and pulled him into a hug. Not they typical guy hug, but a genuine threw-his-arms-around-Theo's-shoulders hug.

"Theo, my boy!" the guy boomed. "Back at last! And with a beautiful little one, I see." The man turned to look at me and the blush that still hadn't gone away deepened, if possible.

I gave him a small smile and looked at Theo, silently begging him to explain before I made a fool of myself.

"Good to see you too, Alfonzo," Theo said, totally at ease. It occurred to me how much time Theo must spend here to be on first name basis of the guy who could only be the owner of Alfonzo's Pizza Palace. (I know it's a stretch, but if you really think about it, you can get to that conclusion too.) "This is Cora Roberts. She's my, uh..."

"I'm a new friend, Mr. Alfonzo." I filled in, hoping that was ok. I looked at Theo, but he was looking at Alfonzo who was looking at me. I got confused real quick.

"Aww, there's no need for that, Miss. Just Alfonzo will suit me just fine," Alfonzo said with a hearty laugh.

"Alright then, Just Alfonzo. Where should we sit at?" I smiled and Alfonzo let out a roaring laugh.

Before he could respond, though, Theo cut in with, "I've got this one, Alfonzo." He gave a knowing smirk to Alfonzo who nodded in reply, also grinning.

I looked curiously at them, even more confused, but followed Theo as he started towards the booth in furthest back corner of the whole pizzeria. I knew why he picked this spot. It was well secluded from public view, but we could see everything still pretty well.

Almost as soon as we sat down a young guy about our age walked over. I was just about to question him when I noticed the logo on his shirt: he was a server, not a Theo groupie.

The guy was good looking, no question about that. He was the suave, Italian sort with dark hair and olive skin. He also had the most gorgeous, deep brown eyes I'd ever seen. Tie that all together with muscles that I could see even under his uniform and oh, my Lordy, Elle would be drooling right now.

"Theo. Hey, man. Haven't seen you in a while," the guy said.

"Luca. What up, bro?" I shook my head, a smile forming on my lips. Guys and their greetings.

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