"Taylor!" Harry calls from behind them. 

"Harry!" She says, trying to muster up a smile. She hugs him, finding it odd that he seems surprised by her warm greeting. The two always hug when greeting or leaving each other. He shakes Draco's hand, giving him a smile. What's gotten into him? "This place is so sad now, isn't it?" 

"What else do you two need?" He asks, ignoring her question for the time being. 

Dove checks their list, "We just need A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration and that's all." 

"Follow me," he says mysteriously. 

Draco and Dove exchange a look but follow Harry into a seemingly closed shop, "Harry, what is this?" She asks worriedly.

He doesn't reply. She automatically reaches out for her boyfriend's hand, who hurriedly takes it, giving her some comfort. She looks up at him, trying to get his attention. He looks over, and she widens her eyes a bit, trying to send a signal. Something doesn't seem right about this. 

He called her Taylor. He didn't want to hug her. He was too familiar with Draco. Things aren't adding up. 

She takes out her wand, and Draco follows suite. The trio come to another door, Harry opening it and motioning for them to go in first. 

Dove suddenly points her wand at him, releasing her boyfriend's hand, "What's the first thing you asked me to do last year?" 

Harry startles, looking between them suspiciously, "Why do you ask, Dove?" His voice is a little dark. She doesn't back down. "Do you not trust me?"

"Not at the minute," she shoots back. "What is the first thing you asked me to do last year?" He shakes his head at her, the scar on his forehead suddenly disappearing. "Draco, he's not Harry," she whispers in a rush. "Run!" 

She doesn't use her wand, knowing she could potentially be expelled from Hogwarts for not being seventeen yet. The two break into a run, zig-zagging down the hall to ensure they don't get hit by any stray spells.

They run out of the shop, holding hands tightly. Dove screams when she runs into someone. Draco immediately raises his wand, tugging her into him to protect her.

"Dove, it's just us!" Harry Potter exclaims, eyes wide.

"What's the first thing you asked me to do last year?" She erupts hurriedly, raising her wand.

"Dove, whatever is the matter?" Mrs. Weasley asks, eyes wide.

"Harry, answer the question!" She near-shrieks. 

"I asked you to join Dumbledore's Army," he relents.

She sags in Draco's arms, putting down her wand, "We were just taken into that building by someone using a Polyjuice Potion to look like you, Harry. We managed to get away when I realized he wasn't the real you."

"Come on, let's get out of here," Mrs. Weasley immediately says. "Whatever you lot don't have, we can have someone pick up for you." 

The large group Floos to the Burrow, Draco feeling awkward and sticking to Dove's side. She doesn't mind. She's still shaken up. 

"How'd you know it wasn't me?" Harry asks as they sit in the living room, Mrs. Weasley disappearing to get tea for her. 

"You seemed as if you didn't want to hug me," she admits, laughing a little. "And you seemed way too friendly with Draco." 

"You called her Taylor," her boyfriend adds. "And then your scar disappeared."

"Why do you think they were trying to lure you two away?" Hermione Granger asks.

Dove's jaw drops, and she suddenly grabs Draco's arm tightly, "Draco, that could have been a Death Eater. That means the Dark Lord could know you're here."

"What if whoever it was wanted to make you a Death Eater?" Harry asks quietly. 

"Show us your arm," Ronald Weasley intervenes, just to make sure.

Without hesitation, Draco rolls up his sleeves, showcasing both of his bare arms, "I wouldn't do that to Dove or her parents." 

"We should probably get back to my parents," she says uneasily. "They're probably worried about us."

"I'll Floo over there," Mr. Weasley suddenly says. "Just in case. I'll bring them here, alright? Our safety lies in numbers right now."

Unable to protest, Dove and Draco sit on a couch, holding hands. Why would someone be posing as Harry? What would they want with the young couple? Why wouldn't they do someone more apt to Draco, like Blaise? 

Unless... Blaise was at her party yesterday. He was being friendly with Harry... There's quite a large possibility that the Slytherin could have gotten a hair from Harry's head and used it to become him.

But even then, why would he be so cold to Dove? They're not the greatest of friends, but they are friends. He was so kind to her yesterday. She simply doesn't believe he would do that. She certainly think he's capable of it, but she doesn't think he would do it. 




Sorry for the late update! I've been fairly busy lately but will do my best to keep up with this story. Obviously, I changed Draco's story arc quite a bit. I have to do something to make up for it, such as choose someone to take his place as Dumbledore's assassin. The foreshadowing at the end of this chapter is quite clear, but you never know who it will be until the last second. :)

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