College Picking

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*Mario's P.O.V*

We walked a little ways down the street, (Your name) still holding my hand but gently. For a moment, in a sunny part of the road, (Your name) flashed in my blue eyes. Her (Eye color) eyes sparkled in the sunlight that beamed halfway across her body. My eyes widened in awe and my heart started to beat really fast. Wait. Was I...falling in love?! No I couldn't be! I loved Princess Peach! If she found out I was in love with someone else, she would never speak to me again. But something about (Your name) made me wonder if I really was in love again.

*End of Mario's P.O.V*

As you looked around at all the universities in Toad Town, you saw a big castle-looking building. "What's that?" You asked as you looked up at the entire castle. "That's Princess Peach's castle. She teaches everything you need to know about being a princess. Plus it's where most of her servants live." Mario explained as he smiled and looked up at you. You smiled back in an assuring state of mind. "But I'm pretty sure it's only a college for princesses." Mario looked back at the castle, it's whiteish-gray bricks and hot pink roofing shimmering beautifully in the early afternoon sunlight. You looked at the castle in astonishment. You weren't a princess but at least you had a talent that would almost match you as one. Your (Fave/Best Talent) talent would lend you a life that would help support you and your future husband and kids. Although you only wanted (No. Of Kids) kids.

Mario lightly tugged on your arm. "C'mon." He said with a chuckle. You giggled as you followed him to look for more colleges.

Mario felt his heart thump and skip a beat every time he looked up at your smiling face. 'Yeah...I'm definitely in love once again...But how will I tell Princess Peach, and will (Your name) like me as much as I like her?...I don't even understand right now...' Mario thought as the two of you walked around Toad Town together.

* * *

"Hmm..." You thought as you looked at the last college in Toad Town. "This one's closest to my apartment so I'll go with this one." You finally decided. 'Yes! (Your name) picked The Arts University!'


((A/N: I made that university up. It's just a coincidence that it sorta relates to The Arts Hollywood from Victorious))


'Yes! (Your name) picked The Arts University! That's where I go to college! Lets just hope that they'll accept (Your name)...' Mario thought in happiness as you started to walk into the college. Thankfully, there was an Open House going on that you could attend.

* * *

The Open House finished and you obtained some papers that you had to fill out if you considered going to The Arts University. You were going to fill out the papers when you got to your apartment.

After that, you went to the coffee shop and Mario went to Peach's Castle to explain that he was in love with you. 'Lets just hope she understands...' Mario thought in luck that Peach wouldn't get mad to the point of 1993, when she last lost her mind because of Pauline.

I didn't want the same thing to happen to (Your name). So many years later in 2014, I wanted to keep my friends out of harms way of Peach's anger. I was hesitant before I knocked on Peach's front door. I blushed furiously and ran off back to the coffee shop where (Your name) was. I wasn't going to risk (Your name) and my life because of my actions. I was a savior for pete sake! I wasn't bad...Was I?

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