By the way

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By the way I made these myself and they are original so please don't copy. This counts for if I make another book even if it's about something else.
So just a warning.
If you copy any part of this, I will do some good research,
I will track you down

  and I will make sure your body




So thanks for reading so far! Vote and share with your friends please. And comment whenever you like because I get bored sometimes and I'll answer to the ones that are answerable. - if thats even a word.

Same applies for my other book called, "Quite the Joker". Please try it and and send it to your friends. It is a fanfiction about the joker-NOT a romance fanfiction with the joker by the way- but I want it to be like a real story so you do not have to imagine the Joker whiles reading... it could be someone else to you.
Thanks! CornettoBook

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