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When a b*tch asks for something:

"Hey can you give me a pen?"

"Sorry I don't have one."

"You have one right there."

"Okay lemme rephrase myself. I don't have one for YOU b*tch!"

And this goes out to all pencil stealers or stationary stealers!
What actually inspired me to write this scenario was the fact that a girl who seems to not like me for some reason asked for a pencil today. And I gave her my metallic one. And I didn't even realise until now that she had pushed out all of the f*cking lead in it! And I know she did it because I got the metallic pencil just the day before and hadn't even used it myself.

Honestly, there are some peeps you shouldn't waste your kindness on.

Anyhoo, Happy 100th thought! I would like to thank _sacred_senpai  for supporting me uptil now.

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