~Chapter One~

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Keith walked through the large castle, his sword clinging with every step of his boots. He bowed politely before the Duchess's and Duches, Princes and Princess's, and other highly titled nobles, them doing so as well, him carrying respect just the same. The knight and guard felt somewhat uneasy escorting the Prince on such a treacherous journey, though he didn't speak aloud his protests. Keith eventually trotted up the many stairs that led to Lance's ward, several decor of statues and portraits guiding him to his headquarters. He stood before the long wooden door, taking a breath as he knocked three times. He had rarely seen the teenager, only at court held events such as balls and inter-kingdom meetings. He shook his head slightly and stood up straighter when he imagined attending a ball with him.

Inside the room, Lance was glaring and throwing random things into his backpack. He wasn't really paying attention, so it was mostly shorts, a few shirts and jewelry, unmindful of the upcoming cool season. He threw in some lotion so his skin doesn't dry out, as well as some sunscreen. He hated that he needed a guard to go with him, he wanted to go adventuring on his own; feeling uneeding of a 'Guard' to escort him. When he heard the knock he huffed and straightened his back, walking over and opening the door.

"Morning." Lance said, trying to mask his annoyance. He bowed slightly before him, opening the door more and gesturing a hand inside.
"Come in....pardon the mess." Lance said. Keith returnes the bow to him before entering his room. "Morning Your Highness, it's not a problem." He smiled before skimming his eyes over his quarters. His clothes along other items were scattered amist his room, the floor nearly covered. The guard cringed as he saw no cloaks, -or heavy clothing in general- no weapons, only light clothing and some basic supplies. He turned back to the prince, straightening. "Would you like me to assist you?" He questioned, motioning a hand towards his bed, where his bag lied. Lance slowly nodded, swallowing his ego-statistic ways. "Yes please." He said and smiled softly. "Also, you can just call me Lance, I don't like the whole your highness thing." He shrugged and started rummaging around his room again. "I don't know what to pack." Lance said and he suddenly took off his shirt and pulled on a blue and white blouse, then a light green open sweater over top.
Keith walked over towards the bed, looking over the items. He nodded to his words, humming in agreement. "Alright, Lance." He said, bowing slightly again. When he looked up, he noticed he took his shirt off and turned away giving him a moment of privacy, though a light blush escaped to his cheeks. He cleared his throat and waited a few beats before turning back to him. He smiled somewhat, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "You'll need pretty heavy clothing, such as jackets and thick shirts. It's autum, and it gets cold in the woods."

Lance tilted his head, confused as to why Keith turned away but he shook it off. He started digging around for his heavy clothes. He made a small pile of them and shoved the rest off to the side for now. "Like this?" He asked, holding a few up. Keith dug through the pile, content with his choices. "Yes, like those." He replied, nodding. "What did you choose for shoes?" He questioned, re-adjusting the sword that hung from his hip. Lance looked at the sword and gulped nervously, turning away and heading over to where his shoes were stored. He pulled out a pair of high tops, then a pair of boots. "I don't know which would be better." He said, eyeing the both of them clueless.

Keith seemed to pick up on his unease and tightening the sword strap, turning the other way to try and block his distance from it. "I suggest the boots, there more durable, better for walking; especially long distances. Oh, and more comfortable." He noted, shaking his own boot for demonstration. He wondered if he had ever even worn boots before. Lance nodded and he pulled on his own boots, quickly lacing them up tight. The Prince then walked over to his closet and he pulled out a first aid kit. "Just in case." He said and shoved it into the bag. Keith nodded, agreeing. "Yeah." He said, watching him buzz around the room. He noticed his thick unease around him and his sword and decided to confront it. "Your Highness- I mean- Lance, you do not have to worry about me ever attacking you or bringing you harm in any way. I'm coming along to protect you, and will risk my life to do so." He had vowed that to the Kingdom ever since he was old enough to know what 'protecting' was. Lance turned to him and tensed, freezing, a shirt dangling from his hand. It was obvious he was uncomfortable, not because of Keith but of the sword. He may have been a Prince, but he wasn't used to large broadswords such as Keith's, more so wooden training ones. He put the shirt in his bag and grabbed his bow and arrows, he was best skilled with these. His cheeks went a faint pink as he went over his words again, but faded, realizing Keith had only said that because he had to. "Don't give your life up for me. I'm not worth it.. trust me." Lance said and stared down at his bag, the corners of his lips turning down as he avoided eye contact. "We should go."

"Lance, my family has been protecting this kingdom for scores. Your life is upmost more valuable, I will stop at nothing to keep you safe."
He said, a small note of concern on his face. After a few beats he realized what he said and blushed slightly, straightening and clearing his throat.
"That," Lance said and pointed at Keith but he stayed a bit away from him, still eying the sword suspiciously before looking back up at Keith. "I will not let you do. You cannot give up your life for me." Lance said and he pulled a necklace out of a drawer. It was a ring hanging on a chain with the royal crest etched onto it. Lance had a matching one except he was wearing the ring on his finger. He quickly put it in his pocket, zipped the pocket up so it wouldn't fall out, then turned back to Keith. He wouldn't give it to him yet, it's a special ring, Lance always takes it when leaving the castle, just in case. Keith tilted his head towards him, walking closer. He was curious to as to what he placed in his pocket, but decided to not mention it. Lance put his arrow bag on properly and attached his bow to it. "..Lets go."

Lance walked out of the room, Keith following. When both were out he closed and locked his door then walked with Keith towards the entrance. "Sorry to drag you along like this." He apologized. He felt bad dragging Keith off like this, but glad it was Keith who was coming along with him. Keith walked step by step with him, nearing closer to the entrance. Somewhere along the way he had picked up his own belongings; a decent sized black bag that he strapped against his chest. It housed basic mission items, including his dagger, food, ext. "It's quite alright Lance, I don't mind at all. Your not dragging me along if i'm willingly going." He shook out and streched his limbs as they walked out of the castle.

The posted guards at the front saluted him, and he nodded. He did want to go on this, not just becuase of the Prince but becuase he was assigned as Commander of the Royal Guard; training, teaching, and many other duties, nearly all hours of the day. He turned back to the stone path before him. "Besides, its nice to get a break anyways" he said, smiling a little. Lance walked in step with him and hummed. "I'm glad you don't feel like I'm dragging you along.. I'll try not to be too difficult." Lance said with a small chuckle. "If I am just let me know." He said, adjusting his bow and arrow bag on his back. He kept his gaze on the ground as he walked, his hand twitching nervously the further away they got from the castle.

Just before the stone path met with the grassy road, Keith stopped to tighten his boots and the knives concealed inside of them, as well as tighten the harness to his sword that was held to his waist. He huffed slightly; the strap had broken about a week or so before, but he hadn't mentioned it. He's had it with him since the early training days with his father, and didn't want to let it go. He stood back up and looked towards the path, taking a deep breath before stepped onto the soft ground and continuing. He looked back to the large castle. It loomed in the early morning hours sun, the pillars creating shadows that pooled over the kingdom. He etched it into his mind before turning away again, resting one of his hands on his bag straps and smiling, marking the beggining of their long journey to come.
*Thanks for reading!! I'll be posting chapters at least once week. Comment other au's you'd like me to do :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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