-- v (the finale?) --

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The story takes him straight to the point, and it does the trick. He doesn't flounder around with details he's not obliged to tell. Under a span of ten minutes or twenty of storytelling, we begin to understand why he never answered any of our good morning calls and why he kept his door locked shut.

He snuck out last night to begin with.

Ree (what a strange name) clarifies some details from his own bedamned mouth. "I knew where he was from the very beginning. It's common knowledge, a person in seek of refuge always evacuates to his place of origin. Ultimately meaning you could be in Earth." Smart guy, just like BoBoiBoy. "I just never told Master-the Emperor that..."

"Why?" Uncle interrogates.

"Because I wanted to see for myself what made this...other version of me so worthy of the death the Emperor brainwashed me to remember. I want to clearly know what this man has done to deserve a kill from me. I want to know, why his friends begged for him, cried for him, fought for him, if the Emperor told me he's a piece of trash. And I wanted to learn all that without his bickering voice telling me what to do."

How is this story so understandable, but so doubtful at the same time?

BoBoiBoy pushes the story onward. "So he asked me to meet him, a few nights after the...big introduction. I honestly hesitated at first but then I thought, If I can meet him just this once, I can end this war altogether."

"There was truly something in BoBoiBoy he learned that I never did," Ree continues. "We share no memories. Only our personalities, likeness, interests, and identity remain the same. It was last night he came to me-or rather I came to him coincidentally. So I never knew what friends were. I never really understood how the concept of a team and a family really worked. All I was brewed up to do was to kill my identical, and replace him for the balance of the universe, but I never grew up to know the truth behind the Emperor's lies."

"How cliche," I can't help but bite back. "You only sought redemption because you didn't know what it was like to have friends?"

"No. I sought redemption because of the lies I now refuse to be fed with~"

"Liar. Trickster..."

Ree puts his elbows over his knees to sit, glaring straight into my eyes with a nightmarish glance. "Yaya, you can take one good look at me like you really mean it and know I can't be lying to you."

The worst part of hearing that statement is knowing how painfully true it is. I can only do to look at him, how he stands so identical to boy I knew for eight years.

To the boy I loved for eight years.

My lips crescent at my statement. "You...are not lying to me..."

A strange conclusion I've indeed brought. It rattles Uncle and Auntie with confusion, but I stick to my word. Those eyes have no contrast to the true eyes I knew for so long.

He isn't lying.

We're in the middle of the conversation when the doorbell rings again. The entire scene turns dangerous in a snap. All of us are here in one room. And at this battle, this simple get together is hazardous at most.

We all pray whoever is outside, doesn't have any connection to the Emperor.

Tok Aba rises to get the door once more, letting us hide (if we could.) "I'll get it..." he mumbles.

Tok Aba opens the door. Fang is seen behind it, sweating. "He knows-They got him-We're done for~"

The words sprinkle off my lips quicker than I thought possible. "What?"

(BBB Fanfic: #ANGSTHO) If You Read This, Please StayUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum