PART 1- CHAPTER 1: After School

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It was one of those days where you wish school was over. Anyone would think that's every Monday through Friday, but for me this was a special kind of wish. I wished school was over just to go to the party of the year. Maybe even of my life.

As soon as I got word of the party, I've been getting chills just thinking of it. It's like I'm supposed to go. It sounds so cheesy that it's becoming more and more stupid. It's so cheesy that it's unreal.

It was period six, the last of the school day. I looked at the clock then around the classroom. I then realized that everyone else was staring at the clock. Yup, this was the party of the year alright. I looked at Bentley, trying to get his attention. Even my nerdy best friend was staring at the clock. As if they think staring would make time go by faster. Maybe it was true. I don't know because I for one, don't stare too long at clocks.

"Pssst," I whisper. Our teacher, Mr. Ash, was giving a lecture. Perfect time to try and talk to my friend. Bentley was sitting one row across from me. "Bentley," I tried again. I glanced at the teacher...He suspects nothing.

Bentley jerked his head away from the clock and looked at me, "Wha-?"

I raised my eyebrow and tapped my wrist, indicating that the time was close for school to end. Bentley wiggled his eyebrows and made a weird chuckling noise. I sighed, feeling the urge to facepalm. Ben was such a weird guy...

"I knoooow," Bentley whispered back. "Meet at the bandroom at three?"

I nodded then looked back at Mr. Ash. He was still mumbling on and on about something about poetry...God, English class always sucked.

I slouched in my seat as the clock got closer to the end of school. Come on! When the clock reached 2:30, I nearly jumped out of my seat. Where's the bell? Where's the damn bell? A few seconds into the minute, the bell rang and everyone cheered. I grabbed my bag and headed out to the bus. It was time to get ready. 


It was five minutes after school and I was already at the bandroom as usual, just sitting outside on the bench, and reading a book. A lot of other students have crowded around the band room, and most of them aren't even in the band. I know...I know every single person in the marching band, and the other band classes. But I bet they have no clue who I am. I'm just that one girl in the flutes section. 

I was so into my book that when I looked at my watch, it was already 3 o'clock. I put my book away so I could call my mother. There was something weird going on at school today.Everyone kept saying there's a party, but where? 

I took out my cellphone from my pocket and called my mother. Slowly, people started to leave the band room area and the parking lot that was in front of it. I let out a sigh. These respect at all. 

I had the phone to my ear and waited as it rang and rang. "Hello?" My mother's voice finally came on. 

"Hey, mom...I'm going to be going out tonight," I told her right away. I just didn't feel like going home. All my parents would do was fight all night. 

"Emma...It's a Friday night and you're going out?" I could imagine my mother frowning as she said those words. 

I sighed again, "Yeah...Don't expect me to come home tonight either, I've been invited to a party." Again: over confidence.

"That's great, sweetie. I have to go, your father and I have a meeting. Have fun!" 

"Yeah, okay. Thanks. Love you..." I knew she wouldn't say I love you back to me,but I try. 

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