Chapter 14: Team Crusaders

Start from the beginning

Polnareff: What!?

(Y/N): Grandpa, can you distract them?

Joseph: Hehe! I always have a plan.


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(Y/N): That old geezer.

Joseph started getting shot at while running, he took out his clackers and filled them with Hamon. He starts deflecting the shots with his clackers.

Polnareff: Jotaro, now's our chance to find the Grimm!

The two peek out and start looking, (Y/N) summons Star Platinum to increase his eye sight. He starts scoping out all possible locations for the Grimm to hide.

Oobleck: There it is folks! (Y/N)'s semblance, Star Platinum!!

Port: Star Platinum has the ability to punch at tremendous speeds, has excellent precision, power, endurance and has a astonishing ability!

Oobleck: It also has a excellent eye sight, (Y/N) is using this ability at this moment, but Star Platinum has one more ability.

Polnareff: Jotaro?

(Y/N) clenches his fist at the announcements they were making. At the food court, team RWBY all look at each other, with Blake being the most worried. They are about to reveal the secret of his semblance to the public.

Port: Star Platinum can also stop time for five seconds!!

Every single person in the arena are stunned at this information. Cinder, who's watching the fight, smiles.

Cinder: This is very interesting.

(Y/N) is pissed. Now, everyone knows what he can do. Every enemy knows now what ability he has.

(Y/N): That fucking headmaster. I knew I should have not trusted him. Polnareff, get ready.


(Y/N): Polnareff, as soon as the Grimm start shooting you, deflect the bullets with Chariot.

Polnareff: You got it.

Polnareff got out of cover and proceeded to rush the enemy.

Port: Oh ho! It seems Jean Pierre decides to rush the enemy with his Silver Chariot!

Chariot deflects any needle that comes towards his way, this gave (Y/N) the chance to scope out where the Grimm is located. With the aid of Star Platinum's excellent eye sight. He spots the Grimm, it is a Beowolf behind what appears to be a cannon with a sniper scope on it. Star Platinum picks up a pebble and with his strength, shoots the pebble with extreme power and speed, this is enough force to kill the Beowolf.

(Y/N): I got it.

Polnareff: Nice job, Jotaro!

Polnareff lets his guard down, once he does so, more needles get shot towards him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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