Chapter 1: Meeting (Y/N) 'Jotaro' Kujo

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*Ozpin's POV.*

This boy was a strange one indeed. I found him beating a few of Torchwick's goons, but what interested me the most was his semblance. He can summon at his will, it was powerful. Unleashing barrages of punches under a few seconds. I must enroll this boy into Beacon to defeat her. There is one problem though, and that's convincing him to join Beacon. Which seems to be pretty difficult at the moment. What to do...

Ozpin: (Y/N), I assure you, Beacon is the place for you. I'll supply you with everything you need.

(Y/N): Good grief, for the last time Ozpin, I'm not going to join your school. There's nothing you can use to convince me.

Ozpin: Hmm, I'll support your interest in marine life. I'll also pay your scholarship for marine biology.

(Y/N): .....

*(Y/N)'s POV.*

(Y/N): How the hell did he know that I was into marine life? Jeez, it's like he knows everyone.

Now I have to be in this school, I was surprised he gave me a new set of clothes that looked less threatening. I hope I don't get bothered by the students in Beacon, as I step out of the bullhead this girl comes up to me. God dammit.

*Ruby's POV

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*Ruby's POV.*

I saw this guy stepping outside of a bullhead. He was a new student to Beacon, maybe he's special like me. Since I was moved two years ahead.

Ruby: Uh...hi?

(Y/N): What do you want?

Ruby: I just wanted to ask what weapons you use, because it looks like you don't have one.

(Y/N): I don't need one, my fist are powerful enough. Now piss off.

*(Y/N)'s POV.*

Apparently this got a blonde and the rest of her team to notice me. This is not what I wished for.

(Y/N): *sigh* Just leave me be.

Yang: Hey! Don't be rude to my sister, now apologize to her!

(Y/N): What if I don't want to?

Yang: Then I'll teach you a lesson.

(Y/N): Good grief. Where's Ozpin's office?

Yang: Don't ignore me! Apologize to her now!

Ruby: Yang it's fine! He's just wants to be left alone, I understand that.

(Y/N): Thanks. Now, can you point me to his office?

Blake: It's the tower, there will be a elevator there to take you to his office.

After that commotion, I went to Ozpin's office to ask him some questions. One of the girls, specifically the one in white looked interested, can't say about the blonde. She looked like she was ready to punch my head off.

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