Author's note

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Hi there!

I know some of you might not be happy with the sad ending. But it was not in power to change that. It is because it is a true story.

This story is one of my father's friend's. He loved this girl till his last breath without even her knowing. He never expected anything in return. All his friends, including my father teased him for this. But he always said that you guys never will understand what I feel for her.

When I got to know this story from my father I wasn't an author here. But after started writing, I thought his story was worth sharing. So I just wrote it. I am not sure how much I had done justice to his story. He was long deceased even before I came in existence.

Most of the things are true. I had added few things here and there as I lacked content. But it is pretty the same. Not affecting the reality.

Whoever read this I thank them from my heart. If you like it please comment and vote. And share it as much as you can. Thanks again!

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