Chapter 15.

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Draco's POV

I broke away from Theo to see Harry slamming the door on his way out. I looked around at everyone who just had stunned looks on there faces.

I didn't  think it would turn out like this to be honest. I didn't even want to kiss Theo and I hoped Harry understood that. I turned to Theo who was smirking at me his whispered in my ear

"Wanna come back to my dorm baby"

Ew. He clearly didn't understand that  I didn't like him like that. I just got up and left and ran after Harry. I ran to his dorm and knocked on the door.

"Who is it"

"It's me, Draco"

"Bye then"

"Harry open the god damn door"

"I'm good you know, you can just go off and snog Theo again,I'm sure you'll enjoy his company."

"I'm not sure you noticed Mr potter but I preferred your kiss a lot better"

"Good to know , but I don't fucking care"

"Open the fucking door Harry"

I heard him get up and unlock it. I walked in and pushed him to the bed.

"I was only thinking off you baby"

"Get off me"

He pushed me off and sat at his desk. I climbed on his lap and straddled his hips.

"I'm not moving Harry until you stop being annoying"

"How am I being annoying when you literally made out with another guy right in front off my face- you care more about a fucking game then my feelings now could you just fucking leave" Harry cried out trying to push me off.

"Harry I'm sorry"

"Why would you do it though" he whispered

It hurt me to see him like this. Completely broken because of me.

"I don't know, I guess I thought you understand that I didn't like him and I was just doing for the game"


"Harry talk to me baby"
"I'm good"

I was still sat in his lap but he was looking away with his hands by his sides while my arms were joined around his neck. I kissed behind his ear a few times the got up.

"Ok then I'll go I guess"

I got up and smoothed down my clothes and began to walk to the door. Until I felt Harry's hand reach out and pull me back on to his lap.

His just kissed me. With passion as he was whispering into my lips. "Your mine Draco, only mine, no one else can kiss you"

Ok I got that,definitely won't be snogging Theo again. Might need to keep away from him so he doesn't get the wrong idea.

Harry was still snogging me, his hands holding my arse whilst my were tangled in his hair. His tongue was moving around mine licking every inch of my mouth. This was the most passionate he had ever kissed me. You could tell he was jealous. I found it quite cute to be honest. I pulled away and ran my hands down his chest.

"My my Potter, aren't you jealous"

He was breathing very heavily and was just staring into my eyes. He put his lips on my ear and whispered

"Be mine princess"

"I thought I already was"

"As in my boyfriend baby"

I pushed him back to look into his eyes and smiled

"Of course, I need to go now though, it's already after curfew"

"No you don't, stay the night here"

He handed me a big jumper and I pulled all my clothes off whilst he just stared.

"What are you doing"

"Enjoying the view" he said leaning back into his chair and crossing his arms.

I pulled the hoodie over my head and just kind off stood there awkwardly.

"You look so cute" I just blushed as he walked over picked me up and put me in bed.

He then stripped down into his boxers and climbed behind me and put his hands around me and brought me closer.


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~Aria x

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