Episode 4

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Poke. Poke. Poke. What the hell?

"You know, you are so irritating". I said with my super-famous-super-irritated-face. 

"What? I am bored". He said casually. Excuse me? And by the way here 'he' is none other than our Theodore. Oh! Guess what? His full-name is Theodore. Theo is just a short form. And the most funny part is he is not that much fond of his full-name. That's why he introduced himself with his short-name. But me being me, I found out. Haaa! Come on I am Evianna Rose Deighton, you just cannot hide such things from me. I repeat C-A-N-N-O-T. Well thanks to his college identity card though. 

"You are bored so you will poke me? That's rude T-H-E-O-D-O-R-E". You should never mess with me, buddy. Here you go. I smirked.

"Come on. I told you not to call me that". Now who is irritated?

"Come on! It is not that bad T-H-E-O-D-O-R-E". I smirked again.

"Jesus! Okay woman. I am sorry. My bad. I will not poke you anymore". Aren't you the ray of sunshine? I smirked (again)^2. 

"Well you are irritating and this is so boring". I said sighing. Can you blame me? It's already been like 3 hours and more than 20 people came and spoke their boring minds out. I will die anytime soon.

"I know right. This people are so boring. How about we ditch this? And just explore this place. What say?" He asked beaming with excitement. This guy is always excited. 

"Are we even allowed?" I asked.

"Who cares?" He said casually.

"Well I do. You know, I don't really want to sabotage my impression in the very first day". I said. Well it is true. As eager as I am to get lost in this place with him. But I have to get my degree without getting into any trouble. Well I promised dad I will keep my best distance from 'the trouble'.

"Nothing will happen. Come on, I will be there with you. And I have the best record of staying far far away from trouble. Trust me". Well I am not. Where there is me, there is trouble. 

"What if we get caught? You know 'trouble'". I asked trying my best to mask my kinda-super-nervous-emotion.

"First, we won't. Even if we do then I think nothing worse can happen. Afterall now this is our college and no one will just punish us for wondering around. And second, leave a little woman". He is smart. And he smiles so often that it becomes really difficult not to stare at those lips. Oh-Good-God. Screw me. What am I even thinking? Viv effect. Viv effect. Gross!

"Wow! aren't you just so smart?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Now come on. Let's go. Slowly rise then follow me. No one will notice". He said getting up slowly.

"You guys going somewhere?" Viv asked. Ofcourse she will join us. Now I am literally having second thoughts. Should I go with them and watch them getting all lovey-dovey again? Hell no.

"Erm! Eve want to use the washroom and I thought of getting some fresh air". He lied. He didn't even ask her to join. But he seems nervous. She makes him nervous. I felt something in my chest. Overthinking. Overthinking. Stop!

I smiled. "We will be back". I said and followed him. 

The moment I got some fresh air I sighed in great great relief. Finally.

Then we looked at each other. And we smirked.

 "Let's go get some adventure". He said smiling. 

"Aye aye captain". I said with a salute. I didn't ask him about what happened inside and Why did he lie to Viv? Actually I didn't have the guts to ask. Because I will definitely don't like the answer. I just know.

We smiled. We smirked. We joked. We wondered. We had fun. Actual fun. And I felt comfortable with him. What happens next? I am scared.

"So, tell me about yourself, missy?" He asked sipping his lemonade. Well we ended up in the cafeteria with a lemonade for him and a cold coffee for me. And this cafeteria is huge. Just H-U-G-E. And did I mentioned artistic? Well guess what the walls are full of arts then there is this huge glass window staring at the field. Now I know where I am going to spend majority of my times in college. 

"Well, ask me what you want to know. But let me warn you there is nothing interesting". I said. That is so true.

"Oh please! It is almost like 4 hours since we have met and I can already tell you that you are obviously one-interesting human species". He said with his smile. Is this actually how you feel when you know feel-kinda-special? Butterflies having a mini-concert in my tummy. And I am blushing hard.

As soon as I felt the warmth of my face. I quickly brought down my hair trying my best to cover my red-face. Oh! What are you doing to me Theo?

I couldn't say anything so I kept my mouth stitched.

"So, are you from New York?" He asked looking at me.

"As much as I want to but no I was born and brought up in Boston. I bet you are so from New York". I said sipping my cold coffee.

"Yeah, totally born and brought up in here". He said taking a sip from his lemonade. "Well Boston. Cool huh?" He said. 

"Totally cool". I said laughing a little.

"Do you miss home?" He asked looking at my eyes.

I sighed. "Yeah I do" I said looking down at my hands. I miss home. I miss mom, dad, Roni and Scar. I sighed again.

"Hey! I am sorry I shouldn't have asked that". His eyes flushing guilt.

"It's okay". I said with a small smile.

"Hey, come on. You know I am right here with you. Whenever you feel homesick just call me I will try my best to make you feel kindish-home. Now see how lucky you are. I don't really tell this to anyone but Eve, you are such an amazing person and I am sure your mom and dad would never want you to get hurt or be sad for missing home. They obviously miss you but they will always want you to be happy, living your life and living your dream. So, now can you just smile for me missy? I will always be there for you Eve". He said. How can someone be so sweet?  

"Get over it Theo". I said rolling my eyes trying my best not to cry. He chuckled. "Anyways! Thank you for being here with me right now". I said this time giving my best smile to him. Well he deserved it totally. Oh-my-poor-heart. What are you doing to me? 

 What are you doing to me? 

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