Jack Savage

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AN- Okaay. Here it is. The first chapter is up.

For as long as I have known her, Judy was never the 'dating' type. She was always focused on her work and she never even thought about it, however, sitting in her apartment as she sat nervously, I can see these thoughts had changed. The bunny was in love, and having that thought made me chuckle, because she was terrified. Her. Judy Hopps, was nervous as can be.

I guess I should be happy for her. A part of me is, but there is another part of me that feels bad, hurt even, because it's not me that the bunny has fallen head over heels for. It's that smooth talking rabbit that we got landed with at the precinct. I still remember the day he first joined our crew at the ZPD, and to be honest, I didnt like him. Even his name sent a tingle of anger down my spine. Jack Savage.
[Three Days Ago]
"Alright, shut it!" Bogo said as he walked into the bullpen with the usual files," Now, we have a new recruit with us thise morning who just flew in from London, and has been transferred to our precinct. Who even cares?"

"Thanks for the introduction," a rabbit said from the back, with a thick British accent that caught Judy's attention almost immediately. He was....handsome. His fur was a dark grey, with black striped along his face, and his eyes were a shade of blue that could cause any female to get lost into them.

"Quiet, Savage," Bogo said sternly," Its bad enough to have Wilde interrupt me everyday, you should keep an eye on him to learn what NOT to do."

"Awe, Chief," Nicl said with a grin," I've only been here two years and your already using me as an example."

"Anyway," the buffalo groaned," Cases. Wolfurd, Fangmire, Break in in tundra town. Delgado, Higgins, Clawson, Grand Theft Auto in Savanna. Wilde, Hopps, Savage, possible drug deal in downtown Zootopia. Everyone else, patrol. Dismissed."

"Looks like your woth us," Judy said with a beaming smile that made Nick raise a brow. She never acted like this, and it somewhat confused the fox.

"Indeed I am, Officer," The rabbit smiled back," I'd say I'm pretty lucky to have you by my side."

"Uh, I'm here too," Nick said.

"Ah, yes, officer Wilde. I've heard alot about you too. You two are the most famous cops in Zootopia. Good job on that missing mammals case."

"Thank you," Judy said with a blush.

"So, shall we?" Jack said, opening the door for Judy.

"Of course," the bunny replied, blushing again.

Jack waiting till Judy was out the door before allowing it to close, which caused Nick to run into it, not realizing Jack had left.

The fox opened the door to see Jack had taken the passenger seat of the cruiser, which put Nick in the back seat," Well, Carrots, you ready to make the world a better place?" Nick said with a smile, just to prove that he wasn't being replaced.

"You bet I am!" Judy replied," And as long as I have my guard fox here, I dont have anything to worry about."

Nick chuckled. What was he thinking? Sure, Jack was a decent looking mammal, but Judy would never forget about him. They had been through alot together in the past two years, and grew a large friendship. They were the best team of cops in Zootopia, because they trusted each other, and were like family.

It was on Eastern Street, in a dim ally that the three cops caught sight of a lion and a bear making a drug deal. Judy turn to Jack and said," You ready?"

"Hell yes I am," the rabbit replied.

"Okay. Nick? What's the plan?"

The fox thought for a second and said," You go around the building. There is another ally that intersects with this one, I'll go around the other side and meet you at the intersection. When I give the word, Jack will make his presence known, causing them to run in our direction."

"Sounds good to me," Judy smiled. Nick knew Zootopia better than anyone, so of course when it came to a bust, Nick had the right plan everytime. The bunny and fox ran in opposite directs, leaving Jack to keep guard. It was three minutes later when Jack's radio went off, and Nick's voice said," Now."

"Here goes nothing," Jack mumbled as he pulled out his taser and entered the ally," ZPD! Paws in the air!"

As expected, the two mammals ran, and as expected, the ran right into Nick's trap. Judy taking down the lion, and Nick tripping the bear.

"You are both under arrest," Judy informed them," Nick, be a dear and get the car, will ya?"

"Yes maam," Nick saluted, running for the car.

"Wow," Jack said," You and that fox make a good team."

"Yes we do," Judy said," I couldn't ask for a better partner. I hope I can see you the same way."

"I can indeed try," Jack said with a smile," Forgive me, officer Hopps, but..are you seeing anyone?"

"Like a relationship?"


"Not at the moment. Why do you ask?" Judy asked with a small smile.

"I was wondering...um...if you have nothing planned, if we could probably go out this Friday?"

Judy blushed a smile onto her face and said," I would love to."

It was then that Nick showed up with the car," Ready, Carrots?"

"Yeah," Judy said with a smile. Nick noticed this wasn't Judy's usual smile. It was a mixture of joy and fear. The fox decided to save the conversation until the suspects were booked into Jail. Sense Nick was already behind the wheel, he drove, and Jack decided to call another officer to get him, sense there was very little room in the car.

"So," Nick started," What's with you and Jack?"

"What?" Judy asked quickly.

"Carrots, I know you like the back of my paw. I can tell when something is going on."

"Well, Judy started," Sense you brought it up, Jack asked me out on a date this friday."

"Oh," Nick said. The fox's ears went down and his remained on the road," Well, you have fun."

Judy saw the look In Nick's eyes, and knew there was something bugging him," Nick, I can't believe I'm going to admit this, but...I need help."


"I know NOTHING about dating, and to be honest, it is scared the hell out of me. Can you..come to my apartment Thursday and give me a few pointers? Hell me out?"

Nick smiled as he said," That's what friends are for, Carrots."

Finally, they had made it back to the ZPD, where they booked in the suspects.

AN- I...like it and yet....I dont like it....idk. you guys tell me what you think.

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