Chapter 6

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Thank you all for your support. It means so much to me. I hope you enjoy the chapter and I will have another one for you next Friday. Have a great weekend. :)


I was sitting in the terminal waiting on Lance's flight to come in when my cell phone started ringing. My heart skipped a beat. Was it Blaine calling me? I quickly dug my phone out of my purse and answered it.

"Hello?" I said, trying not to sound too eager.

"Hey, Sis," Chase said.

Disappointment swept through me. I told myself it was early and that Blaine was probably busy. The man had three children to take care of. He probably didn't have much free time on his hands. I had to believe that he was a man of his word and that he would call me.

"Hey, you," I said. "What's up?"

"Nothing much," he said. "Are you at the airport?"

"I am," I said. "I'm waiting on Lance's flight to get here."

"Why don't you two come by the restaurant and have lunch with me?" he suggested.

"Sounds good." The crowd shifted and I saw Lance. "He's here. We'll see you soon."

"Later," Chase said.

I ended the call, slipped my phone in my purse, and got to my feet. I moved toward Lance, stepping around a couple kissing. My gaze settled on my brother and I couldn't help but notice how much he reminded me of our dad. He had the same build, same auburn hair and gray eyes.

Lance spotted me and quickened his stride. Once he reached me, he dropped his carry-on bag at our feet and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed me on the forehead, giving me a gentle squeeze.

"I've missed you," I said, breathing in his familiar scent.

"Missed you too," he muttered.

"Is that your only bag?" I inquired.

"Yep." Lance let go of me and bent down to grab his bag. "I'm here for the weekend, Sis. I don't need much."

"Let's get out of here then." I led him toward the exit. "Chase invited us to lunch at the restaurant."

"Good because I'm hungry," he said.

I rolled my eyes. He was always hungry.

"So, Sis, tell us about your date last night," Chase said, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief.

Lance stole one of my chicken wings. "Yeah, Sis, tell us all about it."

I pointed at him, my eyes narrowed. "Steal another wing and I will shave your head while you're asleep."

Chase laughed. "Bro, you better give her back the wing."

"I love you," Lance said, returning the chicken wing to my plate.

I winked at him. "Love you too."

"We're waiting," Chase said around a bite of hamburger.

"You two are as bad as Donna." I shook my head at them. "His name is Blaine."

"What does this Blaine do for a living?" Lance wanted to know.

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