Chapter 18

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I was hurt to say the least. But I can't really blame her.

I took a step forward and she growled, moving in front of everyone else in a protective manner. I stopped and put my hands up.

"Lexie, I'm your sister." 

"You're not my sister. My sister has red eyes, not pink." 

At that moment, everyone looked at me. Really looked at me. 

I've been caught...

The woman or...Thing, standing in front  of me is not my sister. Whatever that thing was, it was able to take the DNA of someone and become that person. But it forgot one thing. 

My sister's eyes are red.

I took out a knife and started walking towards the thing pretending to be Lacie. 

"Who the hell are you and why are you pretending to be Lacie?" I growled. 

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." The thing stuttered as it backed away. 

I had it pinned against the wall. "Oh, I think you do."

The thing just frowned and started glowing. I backed away in surprise. 

When the thing stopped glowing, I saw the person who murdered my family. I was shocked but quickly recovered and growled. He just smirked. 

"Where's Lacie?"I growled. 

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." 

After he said that, he disappeared. I let out a scream of frustration as I threw my knife. It hit the wall where the murderer had been standing. 

"We need weapons." I said, staring at my knife in the wall. 

"Why?" Gabe asked.

"Because..." I turned to look at my family. "We're going on a rescue mission." 

The Reunion-Book 2 to the TransformationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora