Chapter 4: I do not have the patience for this

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Look out for the <>!

"I wasn't talking to him at that time. I was with my new boyfriend," a woman told us at her house. We had been talking to her for the last 20 minutes and I couldn't stand it. She kept on telling the same lies over and over again. I knew she was lying by the way she was wrapping her arms around her chest, defensively and kept looking away from us as she answer questions.

I sighed and leaned forward in my chair with a frown. She was wasting our time. "Look, we both know you're lying. I see that in the way you keep on looking at the time. Also the some of the facts you gave us, you scratch your nose. It's like a nervous twitch. You are leaving something out. Tell us what you did and we'll cut you a deal," I said with a harsh tone, frustrated with the woman.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Now if you would, I would like you two to leave. Right now," she said getting defensive and stood up from her chair.

Sherlock looked at me with a frown. This was my fault we were getting kicked out. "Can I use your bathroom before we go?" Sherlock asked in a deep voice that almost sounded polite. He had been mainly quiet up until this point which was not normal for him. I knew he was thinking about something. Maybe the case, maybe something else but he seemed to be preoccupied.

"It's um, sure. It's on the left down the hall," she said and sat back down with a confused look.

I watched Sherlock leave the room, leaving me alone with the lies. I gritted my teeth to prevent me from saying something sharp. I looked at her and she gave me a small smile. I might have to leave without him before I explode.

"I didn't do anything. I promise," she whispered to me with fake tears welling up in her eyes. She was a good actress if I didn't know any better. Being in Russia seemed to fine tune my skills so her lies seemed so fake to me. 

That was the last straw. I couldn't stand this. It was such a petty case why was she not telling us everything? It wasn't like we were going to lock her up forever. We just needed all the information. This was why I hated humans. Always letting you down. "I'm going to say this once. I do not have the patience for this. It's either because of the lack of sleep or because I'm not adjusting but you will tell us the truth or I will get it out of you, one way or another," I said in a deep and clear voice. I wanted to scare her but the look on her face showed that I terrified her.


"Are you ready?" Sherlock asked as he walked back down from the bathroom. I looked at him then back to her. I didn't realized that I was standing up.

I straightened out my shirt to look more put together. I hoped that he didn't see that. I feel like maybe I stepped over a line. That was not called for here. This case wasn't life or death, like it was in Russia. "Let's go."

"Thank you for your time," Sherlock said as I walked out. What was wrong with him? He was the one being polite? I had to be gone way too long. 

We walked to the Tube in silence but I knew he was thinking about something. He was way too quiet. We didn't say one word the whole ride. It wasn't until we left the Tube when I spoke. "Look, I'm not sorry for how I acted in there. I just couldn't stand her," I said to him as I tried to justify my actions.

"You don't need to explain yourself," he said as he looked at his phone.

I raised my eyebrows at him. He used to pick me apart out loud, but ever since I got back, he had been so quiet. "Good," I nodded as we stepped out into one of the many streets of London.

"I do think she's lying as well. We just need to get enough proof. And with this, I think we have her." Sherlock showed me a bag of dirt.

"Where did you get that?"

Everything Has Changed SherlockTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang