Chapter 5: How long do you want to stay?

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I looked at a book that was on the coffee table in front of me. "How to get away with murder." I read the cover out loud as I picked up the book and flipped through a few pages. "Sounds lovely. I think more murders need to read this before they do what they do." I said sarcastically and put the book on the table again.

I did not care to know how to get away with murder. For some people, it was not in their nature to kill. For me, the thought made me sick. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I pulled it out expecting a text from Sherlock but instead it was Mycroft. He was demanded my presents to talk about the case. I didn't even know he had my number. So much for being free here in London. I don't think I would ever be free from Mycroft.

With a frown I felt my stomach growled, I didn't realize I was hungry until this point. I had been waiting for Sherlock to get back from the hospital for the past two hours now. It was almost completely dark and I didn't know when he was coming back. I got up from the chair I was sitting at and walked into the kitchen. We had leftovers from last night but I didn't feel like eating that. The food was good but the memories from dinner last night was nothing I wanted to relive. All I really wanted was some juice that I hadn't had since in Ukraine.

"I got the good stuff right here!" Ivan called out to me from his flat.

I looked back at him as he entered through the front door with bags in his hands. I rolled my eyes at him then went back to typing on the computer. Did Russians ever stop drinking? "I'm working, I don't drink." I called out to him but he walked in with a box of juice instead of something stronger.

"No, this is the best. I can't find anywhere else in world that makes juice like this," he said and smiled at me as he put the carton of juice in front of me on the table I was sitting at. I looked at the box quickly, freezing my thoughts in mid type. At least it was juice, last time he offered Vodka and took a hard time accepting no as an answer. This on the other hand, I would like. The writing on the box was in Ukrainian and had a picture of fresh berries. "Marina knows me well to ship this out to me." He dug around in his cupboard for two glasses and put them next to the juice.

"Ok so let's get started shall we," I said and turned back to my computer. It had been a long day and I just wanted to finish this so I could go back to my place and sleep for as much as I could. In the last three days I have gotten a total of 8 hours and it was starting to wear on me.

"With the hacking? Of course. Highlight of my day." He sat down next to me at the table. I looked at this brown-haired man and smiled slightly. He seemed so rude when I first met him but as I got to know him I figured out that was all a front. He needed to seem like a jerk to get the information he wanted. Working with him more, we realized that we were all on the same team, we just had different ways of working about it.

"I want to get takeout tonight," Sherlock said from behind me.

I turned to face him, trying to pretend that I knew he was in the flat the whole time. I didn't even hear him come in. How did I not notice that? "Did you find out what you needed?" 

"We just arrested her. Want to go for some takeout?"

I nodded. "Sounds perfect." I walked over to my coat and shoes and slipped them on. Then I followed Sherlock out the door and down the road to a Chinese takeout place we had often visited in the past. I took as seat as Sherlock went and ordered. Before long he came to my table with takeout in hand.

I smiled as I took the boxes out of the bag and laid them out on the table. "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse," I said as I broke apart my chopsticks. I looked at the silent Sherlock with a frown as I started to dig in to the noodles I ordered. Sherlock had been so quiet since I had come back and it was kind of worrisome. I knew I had to be on his mind on his mind but I couldn't read it.

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