I Keep Forgetting

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I keep forgetting.Yes, I keep forgetting.

And ,i am always late when it comes to give back.

For i can not love anymore ,I do not pretend anymore.

All these promises are still to be fullfilled.

All these words are still left to be said.

Yet, I keep forgetting.Yes, I keep forgetting.

I'm always late to heal their wounds,

And always late to guide them on their way.

For i can not love anymore ,I do not pretend anymore.

I always mess up what i need to forget and i always let it linger on.

And, I always mess up what to remember , because i've stopped remembering at all .

So, I keep forgetting.Yes, I keep forgetting.

When i need to call out their name,I don't, I never will.

When i need to beg them to come back ,I don't, I never will.

For i can not love anymore ,I do not pretend anymore.

The sky is still very blue though.

But, the heart is now broken,while the mind is  battling.

The fair weather comes and goes ,while all things i know,

I keep forgetting .Yes, I keep forgetting.

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