"tHe FoUrTh wAlL" Mina said.

"Lol let her have it" Ryoba said. "She couldn't break the fourth wall when it was depressing."

"Forgive me but how exactly is Endeavor's family dysfunctional?" All Might asked.

"Y'all will see in due time" Author said.

Endeavor then turned to Shouto's boyfriend Izuku.

Izuku picked up his bowl.

"He didn't..." Endeavor said.

"Oh my God Shouto" Natsuo said grinning.

"Why? Shouto?" Fuyumi whined.

Shouto merely grinned along with his mother as the scene continued.


Natsuo was doing 👌 with his fingers while Fuyumi just groaned.

Rei and Shouto were pleased watching this especially Shouto.

Endeavor.exe is frozen from fear reboot?

"What did you teach him Todoroki?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Nothing" Shouto said gleefully shocking everybody.

"He's only ever that happy if it's about Deku-kun" Uraraka said.

"True" Iida said.

Endeavor.exe is frozen from fear reboot?

"NO!" Natsuo yelled giggling.

"Endeavor-san?" Hawks asked waving his hand in front of Endeavor. "Hello????"

"He's really broken" Present Mic said.

"There's another story" Author said.

Shouto visited his home wearing sunglasses and saw Endeavor.

"Why is he wearing sunglasses indoors?" Hagakure asked.

"He's taking off his shoes so he's probably about to take them off" Jirou said.

"How's that gay phase of yours going?" Endeavor asked.

"Wait he's homophobic?" Kaminari asked.

"Well Endeavor is a very traditional man so it makes sense I guess" Yaoyorozu said.

Shouto ignored his father and kept walking only to get grabbed by the shoulder.

"Answer. Me" Endeavor said.

Shouto turned around and lifted his glasses.

"Oh I'm sorry it's just you know what?" Shouto asked.

"What is it?" Shiozaki asked.

"YOURE WORDS HAVE NO EFFECT ON ME" Shouto said and put the sunglasses back on. "THESE GLASSES ARE GUCCI!"

"PFFFFFFFFTTTTTT" Everyone laughed while Uraraka was just depressed while laughing because she's poor.

"THIS IS GOLD" Kaminari said begging for a replay to record it.

"Fine" Author said and replayed it as some students recorded it.

"There's one more" Ryoba said.

"I can't believe you Midoriya..." Kaminari said.

"Awww What happened?" Mina asked.

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