9. Parhaita Ystäviä Ikuisesti

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I rest my hand over Grandma Mer's heart. "Grandma, is everything okay? How are you? Is everything fine? Will you-" I couldn't say the word. "S-survive?" I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. My mom told me once Grandma Mer had a heart attack in the middle of the selection and it was brutal. She said she wouldn't want anything like that to happen again. The way she told me her story... it was like her selection was my own. It was like I was about to lose my own mom. I wouldn't want that to happen to anyone. Like I lost... William.

The tears were threatening to spill over but I blinked them back. Arrow frowned. He sighed and took me outside the hospital to the nearest chair.

"Kerttu, calm down." he patted my back.

"What? How could you say that when my grandmother is about to-to die?!"

Arrow looked confused. Then his eyes lit up in recognition just as the tears began to pour. "Tu, your grandmother isn't going to die. How could you come to that conclusion so quickly? She's been making regular visits to the hospital ever since her heart attack."

"B-b-but she d-doesn't come on t-t-tuesdays." Today was a tuesday.

"She just felt a little dizzy, that's all. She was about to fall when I caught her and called a guard to take her to the hospital. Now, they're just checking if her blood pressure's okay. But I don't think that's what you're sad about. You've been down all week... is everything alright Tu?" I was about to say I'm fine, when he interrupted. "Don't even think about saying you're fine, you know I'll be able to see right through you."

I took a long, shaky breath. I didn't want to talk about this. But I've been hiding it all week. I couldn't do it for much longer. So I spilled out all the details about William and the selection. And how he simply couldn't take seeing me with other people.

In the end, Arrow was kind of... stunned. I didn't blame him. I'd just told him I'd been secretly seeing someone. And kind of broke up with them. Then got back together. Then broke up again.

"Wow that's," he started. "Complicated." I nodded sorrowly and watched the tears start to pool in my hands. I wiped my hands on my dress. I must look terrible.

Just as I was trying to remember if Harper and Carmel used waterproof eyeliner, Arrow pulled me into a hug. I stayed there, wanting to be held by someone. Who better than my best friend?

"Tu, I know I probably don't understand how it feels to be you, but know that I'm here, okay?" He pulled back to kiss my forehead. I smiled.

"Thanks. You are the most amazing best friend I've had... even though I've never really had a best friend before." I admitted slightly embarrassed.

"Everyone should want to be your friend. You're the most amazing person I've ever met." Arrow grinned. "Well, besides me."

I laughed and slapped his arm playfully. It felt good to laugh. "I should get back to work. Princess Lana will be wondering where I've gone."

"Oh yeah! I remember when she used to come around. I think Officer Landon has a thing for her, though."

"Oh, really?" I smiled mischievously. "I'm going to have a fun time playing matchmaker then. Wanna help?" I asked.

"Sure." Arrow chuckled. "Max is a good friend of mine. But, isn't it you who's supposed to be getting all the romance?"

"I think you know how that's working out." I looked at my feet, willing myself not to cry again.

He nodded. "Right. I guess you should be going. Though I have to ask, what led you to the hospital in the first place?" Arrow raised his eyebrows.

"Uh, Lana and I were talking but I got thirsty and decided to call a maid to get some water. And then I uh𑁋I tripped over myself and banged my head against the wall in front of me. And umm, my head hurts." I grimaced.

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