4. Valitut miehet

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It was Sunday and I was nervous

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It was Sunday and I was nervous. Really nervous. It's okay to be nervous right? I mean, I have to choose between 35 suitors to spend the rest of my life with. No pressure. There were so many things that could go wrong. I looked at James standing near the camera with a glass in his hand, sipping red wine. He seemed to be nervous too. I walked up to him.

"How are you doing for your first selection?" I asked him.

"Nervous. A lot," he replied.

"Just take a few deep breaths. You're going to do amazing, royal announcer." I nudged him. "I have a feeling you inherited your traits from your grandfather," I said trying to comfort him.

"Really? Not my dad? Everyone says I get my personality from my dad. Even if he was a scientist." he chuckled. "And aren't you the one that's supposed to be nervous?"

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm more nervous than you can imagine!" I shivered.

"Well, you do a great job of hiding it. Unlike me."


"Hey, it's not my fault my hands tremble when I'm nervous!"

"Deep breaths. It works for anger too, you know." I advised jokingly.

"Haha, very funny," he said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. "I wonder how Grandpa was during his first selection," he said looking up at the ceiling.

"My great-grandmother, Magda, said he was really awkward and uncomfortable..."

"That doesn't sound like him at all! Wait, your great-grandma is still alive?!"

"Ummm, yeah. She's only like, 84 years old. And I doubt she'll die anytime soon"

"Oh, okay."

"She's a fighter!"

"I'll be sure to watch out."

"You know you better!" we laughed.

A girl wearing headphones told us to go on set. "You're on in 5.

"That's our cue," I said feeling not at all ready.

"Indeed. Shall we?" James said as he held out his arm for me.

"We shall." I took it willingly and sat down on the couch across from him. A few people came and did their corrections on my face as the director began counting down on his fingers. Five. Five seconds until I pick my husband. Four. Three. Two. And one. He gave a thumbs up to us.

James started. "Hello, Your Highness. Any feelings before you pick the love of your life?" I didn't see that question coming. It's a good thing I got my stage presence genes from my mom and not my dad. I would speak the truth.

"For one, nervous. And two, I'm kind of excited. I know I'll pick the right choice." James nodded.

"A lot of confidence. A good start," he said to the camera. The director mentioned for me to start reading the letters. I stood up, a little dizzy and my hands trembling. I can do this. I took the first envelope and started to read aloud.

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