Chapter 11

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I'm back and determined to finish this thing!! (:


Looking in the mirror, I decide I am going to need to do more to get ready than just a quick brushing of my teeth and hair. I hope Miya can stall Jude long enough... Who am I kidding!? She would keep him down there for days if that's what it took. Jude is stuck now.

I start by jumping in the shower. I not only need to shower because I have been laying in bed for days, but also to try and get my thoughts together before going down and confronting Jude.

I can't just forgive him out of nowhere. That would make it too easy on him. I have to make him work for it a little. Plus I do actually want some more answers from him. He has been hiding lots of things from me and it's about time he told me the truth, or at least some more of the truth. I didn't learn everything from my book.

After getting ready as quickly as possible, I head down the stairs. I am determined to stay mad and not forgive Jude right away, but when I see him my heart starts beating faster, making it that much harder to stay mad at him. Stupid heart. 

The first thing out of his mouth is just my name, "Elizabeth..."

And god, it's getting even harder and harder to stay mad by the second...

I see Miya coming back from the kitchen with a tray of cookies. She is such a mom sometimes! I can't help but start to laugh at her. How dare she make me laugh when I am trying to stay mad! I'm sure that was Miya's plan all along, she wants me to run into his arms and live happily ever after. Sorry, not gonna happen! 

Miya starts quickly walking over to the coffee table with the cookies, however about half way there she trips and flings them all over the floor and the couch. She only picks up two of the cookies, sets them on the coffee table, tells "us kids to enjoy," and walks away. What was that?! 

During the mess with the cookies, Jude was forced off the couch that now has cookies all over it. This forced him to be standing right in front of me, almost close enough to touch, and that truly must have also been Miya's plan all along. What was I thinking? Miya never trips and spills things like that! It was all part of her devious plan to get us closer. 

I have been standing at the bottom of the stairs just staring the whole time, wondering what to do and what to say.

Being forced to say something with Jude right in front of me, the first thing out of my mouth is, "Wanna go for a walk?" Mostly because I do not want to be stuck fighting through the awkwardness with Jude while also having to clean up the mess of cookies at the same time. We will just leave Miya to clean up her own mess, especially since she most likely made it on purpose. I have a mess of my own to clean up with Jude.

Jude looks like he wants to argue, but answers, "sure, lets go."


We begin walking down the street in silence. I don't think either of us knows what to say or how to fix this, and Jude doesn't even know about all the inside information I have from my book...

I decide to break the silence, awkwardness, and hopefully lighten the mood by saying with a smile, "So, you have come to win me back?"

I have never been this bold, usually I wouldn't have even tried to work things out. I would have just let Jude go to be rid of the feelings and the hurt. Something about this book, actually mostly Jude, must be changing my outlook on life... I'm not sure I'm ready for this. 

By breaking the silence I helped Jude gain some confidence, but he is still a little hesitant when he replies, "Of course, I will always come back for you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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