ally of a new city

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I drifted through the  void. I could hear horns honking and people yelling in anger. A fire ignited in the empty space, moving till it formed a very prominent symbol.

That.... I've seen it before.... in school I think. I heard a gunshot, snapping awake and looking out the window. I watched as the street stopped moving, the bus had stop. Synthia shook me, obviously trying to wake me up and smiled.

Synthia: We're here. New Jersy, the city of "I'm walkin' here!"

I couldn't help but chuckle as I stood up. We got off and made our way to the nearest cafe, looking for a place to discuss a plan. We found a small internet cafe called connect-uccino. Its was cozy and well light, but there wasn't many people. We both sat down at opposite sides of a table as a waitress walked over. I ordered a espresso and gave her a 5$ bill.

Zane: So, now that we made our way to Jersey, we need to make a plan.

Synthia: You're the leader here, what do you think we should do?

Zane: Well I'm pretty sure were looking for a zodiac or something. I saw a thing in my dream and it reminded of the zodiac signs I saw in school when I was younger.

I drew the symbol on the table with my finger; remembering the burning sign. I can't remember which sign it was, and by the looks of it Synthia was drawing a blank too. She seemed confused, but a look of realization passed over her. She grabbed a fork and carved into the table, she drew a six point star with the sign laying over it.

Synthia: it's Sagittarius! The archer! He must be the guiding spirit of our next team mate!

Zane: seriously? You recognize it?

Synthia: yeah. If we get up high I could try and spot the spirit. Then we can locate who he's guiding.

Zane: sounds like a plan. We can get on the roof and try it tonight. But for now we should just lay low.

With that we drank our drinks and left. As we walked out everything seemed odd. It shouldn't be this hot out. The air was unbearably hot, like some sort of freak heat wave.

Synthia: run.

Zane: what? Why?

Synthia: Zane, run!

By the time she said this, a wave of pure heat slammed into me. I was sent flying into the near by ally; Synthia ran up to me and I grabbed her hand. In a flash of green light, I was wearing the jumpsuit and claws. Floating across the street on an air of intense heat was a woman with tanned skin. Her charcoal hair fell down over her shoulders as her glowing red eyes pierced through me. She was wearing a kimono like Synthia, but hers was a dark red with a bright red pattern of lilies adorning it. The air around her rippled like a mirage in a dessert. A massive black and red hand fan was open in her right hand.

???: well, well, well, I found a dirty ally cat~

I grimaced, bracing myself to rush her but waiting on her to make the first move

Zane: Yeah? And who are you? Some spirit of candle flames?

Her smug smirk dissolved into a distasteful snarl as she swung her fan through the air. Another blast of heated air slings be farther back, my back crashing into a brick wall.

???: I am Diana Infernus! Decendent of the great Motakayo Infernus, and the spirit of heat waves! Don't you dare speak to me without referring to me as Lady Diana!

She swung her fan again, sending another blast of heat. I grimaced as the heat rolled over my skin. I stumbled to my feet, trying to shake off the light headed feeling.

Zane: Well Lady Diana, the names Zane Hibbs. I'm the chosen champion of peace and master of the common house cat, and...

I slide one foot forward, extending one hand out while holding the other close to the my chest.

Zane:... The one who's gonna knock your hot ass out!

Diana: You insolent-!

She swung her fan, sending another wave of heat. Moving as fast as I could, I dived to the left to take cover behind a dumpster.

Diana: How dare you mock me in such a way!

I felt as a blast shoved the dumpster back. I rolled back to the right befor making a brake for her. I heard the dumpster slamb into the wall, yet I kept my eyes on Diana. I got up close, my claws inches from her throat. In the blink of an eye she folded her fan, smashed it into my ribs, and sent me crashing into the wall to my right. I groaned, but she pinned me to the wall by the throat before I could catch my breath.

Diana: I am going to make you suffer like the insolent stray you are!

I could feel the heat radiating off of her skin. My vision was slowly fading, as I started to lose consciousness. Suddenly I am yanked back to reality by the sudden  boom of thunder. I drop to my knees as Diana's hand is ripped away from my neck. As I looked up I saw her hiss in rage befor fading away into the air. And the last thing I saw befor passing out was the shadowy figure of a man on the edge of a roof.

Hey guy's sorry for being so late, and a short post. Really wanted to get this out ASAP. Again, sorry  love yall

Ciao for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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