I bring home an ally cat

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Zane's pov

Did I just yell out Nekopara? Like the game on my laptop? Holy shit I'm a weeb. The girl stared at me. As odd as it is for me to yell that out, she looked like she was straight out of the game. The ddest part about her wasn't her paw shaped club, pink hair, or the kamono. She had pink cat ears sticking out the top of her hair, and a pink tail swishing around behind her. She then turned to leave, not saying a word to me.

Zane: Hey wait!

Her body tensed up, and she turned around to look at me slowly. She looked kinda panicked.

Gril: y-you can see me?

Zane: hu? Oh uh. Yeah, why?

She rushed over to me and swung the large metal club at my head. I dodged it and put her into a full nelson.

Zane: What the hell!

Girl: What are you?! Humans can't see us! Why am I here!? HELP!

She panicked and screamed out to the general public, no one noticing us, or, rather her. I needed her to calm down.

Zane: listen kitty, I need you to calm down. Lets head down to my house and talk.

Girl: what!? No way! Let me go!!!

She broke free and tried to run but something caught her and yanked her onto her butt. A blue light streaching from her neck and wrapping around my hand, it was kinda like a leash. She turned around and looked at me, we both were confused

Both: what the hell!?

Zane: I-I guess your coming to my house then?

She nod slowly. I grabed my gym bag and we both start walking, I felt extreamly awkward and she seemed tense aswell. We made the trip in awkward silence. I did attempt at making small talk once or twice but it costantly fell flat. We eventualy made it to my house so I opened the door and walked in, tossing my gym bag on the couch and walking on to the kitchen. She came in behind me and took a seat next to my bag, making herself at home.

Zane: so whats your name?

Synthia: im synthia of the felian family.

Zane: the names Hibbs, Zane Hibbs.

I grinned to my self as I dig through my fridge. She giggled a little and I took that as a win.

Zane: so? Ready to try and figure all this out?

Synthia: yeah. I still dont get how you can see me.

Zane: all I remember is saving a little girl from some thugs and getting flicked in the face. Then you were standing there.

Synthia: little girl? And she flicked you? Oh no....

Zane: whats wrong?

Synthia: that girl had to have been the goddess of peace. She must have given you pure sight.

Zane: goddess? How is that worthy of an oh no?

Synthia: when she chooses people to give pure sight it means somethings wrong. It only happens every few millennia.

Zane: so what? I'm like a chossen worrior of god or something?

I was having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around all this.

Zane: and what does that make you?

Synthia: why thats simple. I'm a cat spirit!

Well that clears up the ears but...... this is all so confusing

Synthia: anyway. That explains why I was brought here aswell. I was in Arizona, she must have pulled me here to be your guardian spirit.

Zane: I have more questions now then ever......

Synthia sighed in defeat and looks at me then sighed again.

Synthia: look pal. To simplify this all. Your gifted with the power to fight evil. I'm here to help. Its been desided by the goddess of peace herself.

We stared at eachother for a few moments. I finally knew what to ask

Zane: what evil?

Synthia: not sure. The goddess will come and tell you sooner or later. Till then we will be living together, seeing as I cant go very far away from you.

I had a heavy blush, it had to be showing becuase she giggled

Zane: I uh err umm n-need to uhh g-go set up a room for you then so-

Synthia: i doubt we can be in seperate rooms. I'll just sleep in yours

She was messing with me now. I knew becuase she was smirking, and yet still I turned a deeper red than ever. My cheeks were hot and I keep stuttering

Zane: errr! I uh I-I don't umm t-think thats a good I-Idea. I-I mean uhh-

Synthia: shut up.

She chuckled as she walked past me to the fridge, digging through it in search of a meal

Synthia: im sleeping in your room. No arguing.

She grabed a tuna sandwich I was saving and stood up

Synthia: so show me to our room.

I nod hesetently and lead her to my room, where I began to lay out a pallet of blankets so she would have somewhere to sleep. As awkward as it was to share a room with a girl it would be far worse to share a bed. Once done we order pizza and manage small talk. After the pizza arived and we sat down at the table with it

Zane: so do spirits actualy need to eat? Or is it just you want to seem human?

Synthia: oh we do need to eat. We just tend to have a heavy connection to what we are the spirits of. Like me, theres a reason I wanted anchovies. Mmmmm

She bit into the slice of anchovy pizza while I happily stuck to my BBQ pizza. I'm not the biggest fan of sea food so BBQ and chicken was good with me.

We both had our fill and I put the leftovers in the fridge. Once I had put everything away we both go to my room and lay down to sleep. Her in my bed and me in the pallet I had made. I had no intent of being rude to my current house guest.

A/N: hey guys and gals! Finaly got this chapter out! Took a month and I plan to make it stay a month. Each month I will update both my current stories. If I change this I will let yall know! Ciao for now!

World's Colide: Darkness AwakensDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora