I Don't Want No Lunchbox Friends, No Oh

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John's P0V

"Thank you, Alex, goodnight..." I say, whispering into the phone, hoping, praying, Maria doesn't hear me. 

"Goodnight John, love you..." He replies. 

"You know I'm not ready for that," I say my voice getting sterner. 

"Yeah, I know, sorry," Alex said, hanging up the phone. I held the phone close to my heart and plugged it up to the charger, looking at our old text messages. 

Scrolling through them all, smiling slightly to myself, looking at our makeup, friendly chit-chat, and...sexting. But that's a whole different story...He and Eliza are still a thing, so technically it's cheating, but she's been hooking up with plenty of people around the school. I caught her making out with James Madison, her fucking ex, in the Omega's bathroom a couple of days ago. Told Alex, and now it's blackmail that she doesn't even know about. 

Your boy out here getting baby daddy dick. 


I swear I'm so ratchet. 

Eliza's P0V

I invited John over to have an adult conversation over what he's going to do with the baby. He already said he's not getting an abortion, which of course is the logical answer because his ignorant, lazy, ass shouldn't have gotten knocked up. This baby isn't a "miracle" or "product of society" like the elders, in Maria's family says. This baby is merely some consequence, that having unprotected sex brings. Now he has to deal with it, I just don't think he should raise it. I, mean, I should have at least some part in the choice. It is my boyfriend's baby, so I should have a part in decision making. 

I hear a knock at the door, straighten some things up, pour some lemonade for John, because I heard it's good for the baby, and open the door. John's wearing a casual green flannel, jeans, and boots. Not good maternity clothes.

"Good afternoon Johnathan..." I mutter, coldly, not on purpose of course. 

"Good afternoon Elizabeth..." He mutters, in the exact tone, to imitate me, we both have a small chuckle to ourselves before he takes a seat. 

"I know why you called me over here, and I'm not putting the baby up for adoption, that's a final decision, I understand why you don't want the baby to be part of Alex's life, but it's both of ours fault, and he, just like me, will have to deal with it" John says before I can even sit down. I take a moment to process what he said and before I even get a chance to reply, or at least say my opinion, he's gone. 

Peggy's P0V

John and I have made it our goal to sit with Maria every day, she's not as bad as everyone said she was and I enjoy her company. More than John thinks that's for sure, she's beautiful, funny, charismatic, she's the perfect package. Unfortunately, she has a reputation, but that's never bothered me before so. I'll try. Besides, no one is going to fuck with her, if she's dating a Schuyler, even if it's not one of the beautiful ones. 

Angelica doesn't sit with us anymore, but that's only so that Eliza's clingy ass isn't lonely. She feels "imitated" by all the "men" around her. She also doesn't get the things they talk about, which I can partially understand, since, they mostly talk about football and debate team, and she was always more of the "girly" or feminine" Schuyler. Angelica is the perfect one, who ended up being an alpha. She hated when she presented with a dick, expecting a bunch of shit to be talked about her. 

She's so insecure, which is weird because she's perfect. Of course, no one said anything. I can see how it's weird in the Alpha lockerroom, though they have a separate section for females, so, not that, awkward. 

"Peggy, do...you...um, want to go to the park with John and I this Friday?" Maria asks, I nod ecstatically and John wiggles his eyebrows. 

John's P0V

I've made it my duty to make Maria and Peggy, formally, a "thing", or at least talking. So I scheduled plans to go to the park with them, knowing I have a doctor's appointment and will have to drop out last minute. Some more time for them, alone. 

They're so cute. 

We stan overworking ourself just because we love our followers.

Word Count: 735

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