Baby Blues (T'Challa/Naomi)

Start from the beginning

Fortunately for him, that was the exact moment you entered the nursery. You fashioned your smoothie stand uniform—a medium-length dashiki dress adorned in the colors hot pink, black, scarlet red, forest green, and other intricate colors. Your faux locs were styled in a pin-up bun while a matching pink headwrap protected your edges, and your feet adorned a pair of black sandals.

"Good evening wam kumkani," you greeted T'Challa with a bright smile as if you didn't just see the bottle hit the marble floor.

He returned your smile, despite his growing irritation with the screaming child in his arms. "Good evening, Kya. What brings you here?"

"I was available on this lovely Saturday night, so I thought I'd spend it with my king and his heir."

"That's very generous of you. Now, what's the real reason you're here?" He tilted his head, a clear sign that he didn't believe your explanation. He knew you probably wouldn't want to spend your Saturday night—the one night of the week where you're free to lollygag as you please—with a child, a crying one at that.

"Queen Naomi said if I come over and help, she'll expedite my UCLA application."

"Ah! That makes more sense."

"So, what can I help with?"

"Do you mind holding him while I clean up the formula?"

You nodded and held your arms out for the little prince. "Sure. Besides, it's been a while since I held Prince Javon."

As soon as T'Challa placed him in your arms, Javon's cries increased, and you furrowed your brows. You were sure that Javon would be happy to be held by his Auntie Kya, seeing as how you haven't been around while you finished off your last two months at the university before graduation.

"On second thought," you began and promptly handed him back to T'Challa, "you can hold him while I clean up the formula."

Before he could protest, you walked out of the nursery and headed towards the supply closet for a roll of paper towels. Upon your return, you saw T'Challa futilely trying to feed Javon–who was still fussing up a storm—with another bottle.

"Good thing I didn't have to go through this with Nakia," you mumbled under your breath as you cleaned the formula off the floor.

Unfortunately, you forgot that the heart-shaped herb gave T'Challa enhanced hearing, so your eyes widen when he said, "I'm sure Nakia was much easier to handle."

Once the embarrassment wore off, you sighed and threw the paper towel in the trash can. "Well, Nakia wasn't as fussy, but she was very frustrated. I guess I would be too if I had the mind of a thirty-three-year-old, trapped in the body of a three-year-old."

You decided to drop the subject, you weren't in the mood to relive that stressful time, and decided to focus on the crying Prince Javon. You gently took him and the bottle and attempted to feed him yourself. After the third try, Javon almost knocked the bottle out of your hand. With a defeated sigh, you gave the bottle back to T'Challa.

"Well, I tried."

T'Challa released a sigh of his own. "There has to be an easier way to do this."

An idea came to you just then.

"Take off your robe," you told T'Challa, who gave you a perplexed look.


"Trust me," you pleaded with an innocent smile. "Take off your robe."

Reluctantly, he stripped himself of the robe, leaving him in a t-shirt and slacks, and took Javon from you before you walked over to the prince's dresser.

Kia & Kya Forever Series (Nakia & OC)Where stories live. Discover now