Chapter 8: Nitro

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"Get help! Get help now!Man down, Man down! He lost his right arm and some of his right torso!" A man yelled through his ear piece.

"Medics are on the way, they are slightly delayed due to the invading monsters. keep him awake no matter what. Minimize the bleeding as much as possible," A woman responded back.

"Stay with me man, stay with me!" The man dragged the injured man away from the fighting. "What the hell are those things man! It's like they just dropped from the sky." The man yelled as he shot his pistol, killing two were-cats. "Nitron! Keep your eyes open soldier! I know you don't wanna die now do ya! keep those eyes open!" the man handed Nitron a pistol to shoot with his left hand.

"I hate these damn things... I'm not dying just yet," Nitron finished.

"Medics are here, lets get to them soldier!" The man yelled through the sounds of destruction.

Fire engulfed the building, the two soldiers made their way into the hallway to meet the medics. Creatures burst through walls and doors as they tried to close the gap, the man having to stop every so feet to kill one of the creatures before proceeding towards the help.

"We'll have to use the Nano-Fiber Integration process. He won't survive otherwise," A male medic said as he shot two more creatures.

"If his body rejects it he'll die!" The man protecting Nitron spat back.

"And if we don't he'll die regardless, there's no chance he'll make it the way he is! We are wasting time!" A woman medic yelled back.

"I won't let you experiment on him," The responded.

"He won't make it!" The female medic yelled.

"Do it, please, I want to live," Nitron struggled to interrupt.

"Thank you, This will save your life sir," The woman looked into the man's eye to show victory in their little disagreement. 

"I don't approve of this!" The man yelled as a final say.

"Get over..." The woman medic froze.

Nitron was screaming as the nano cells were burrowing into his skin and bones. The cells were scattering throughout his torn tissue and muscle.

"What's happening to him!" The man knelt down beside Nitron.

"It shouldn't be doing this, what's going to happen to him!" She looked at the male medic, his face pale white.

"Everyone! Get out of building now! It won't hold much longer!" A male voice rang throughout all coms.

"We'll have to jump through that window there!" The man pointed to a window in the hallway.

"We're two stories up! We could break our legs if we land in the rubble down there!" The male medic yelled.

"We don't have a choice," The man picked up Nitron from the floor. "We've gotta jump soldier,"

"Okay, let's... let's do.... do it." Nitron struggled out bracing to jump.

The man shot the window and cleared away glass so it wouldn't cut them.

"Here we go," The man grunted as they jumped from the window onto some rubble. "Get up soldier!"

Nitron was now out cold, his body convulsed as the nano cells had continued to spread throughout his body. Blood had seemingly stopped and his injuries were now covered in black rocky looking shapes, like onyx crystals.

"What the hell is this stuff doing to you?" The man asked, touching the now hardened cells.

"I don't feel myself slipping anymore, the treatment stopped all of my bleeding," Nitron stopped to look at the window he'd just jumped from. "Oh, God, the medics! shoot those damn monsters!"

The medics were fighting two monstrous felines as they slashed their arms and torsos as they tried their best to stay alive, it was no use. They were both impaled with claws of knives that cut through them like butter, sending their limp bodies falling to the ground like a dead bird. The monsters jumped out of the window, claws ready, eyes focused, ready to feel the insides of the two men and then everything cuts to black.

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