Chapter 3: Dusk and Dawn

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"Well done on your assignment," A brown man with a silver robotic chin and dark grey suit spoke to Rizellx and Nitro.

"Thank you sir," Nitro gestures Rizellx to give him the heart of their target, the man taking it, making it port out of his handle, making it vanish.

"Retrieving a fatal organ to confirm the kill is even better, you two have done really well for yourselves. Is there anything else you collected?" The man asked.

"Well, we have a demon heart too, it was in one of the purple dragon vans." Nitro lifted a purple heart in his hand, still beating.

"That isn't a demon heart, keep that, it is of no use to me." The man held out his hand to refuse.

"Um, okay I will then," Nitro puts the heart back into a pouch.

"For now go enjoy yourselves until your next assignment is issued," The man spread out his arms with a smile.

Nitro looked around at the large wood decorated office, with book shelves lining all of the walls except the one behind the man, which had a mirror in the middle of the wall with shelves holding jars of random object from what Nitro could see.

"Is there something you wanna say Nitro?" The man asked.

"Yes Commander, when did you get this new office?" Nitro asked still looking around.

"Ahh you noticed," Commander smiled with pride, " today actually, I decided I needed a new environment."

"It is, interesting." Rizellx said, now looking around as well.

"Let's go chill Rizellx," Nitro patted Rizellx's shoulder as he exited the office.

They both walked out of the office and into large red and white space with desks and other offices on the side. The light was bright so you could see everything. There was a straight path from the Commander's office to the front exit so it wasn't long before they walked into the front porch with 20 stairs that lead into the sidewalk. Nitro took in a deep breathe, then looked out into the big, bright, sun kissed city.

"Farehand City is a beauty isn't it?" Nitro directed towards Rizellx.

"It's nice, there are a lot of corrupt things about it, but it's still home." Rizellx added.

"Without thinking to hard, this city would seem perfect." Nitro said, staring out.

"Is there something on your mind?" Rizellx turned to Nitro.

"Yeah, actually. I know everyone we've taken down so far have been corrupt and genuinely bad, but what happens when we're tasked with taking down innocence, someone with a power beyond their comprehensive knowledge, but seen as a threat to some people?" Nitro looked at Rizellx before looking off into the city again.

"So far it's been reasonable take downs. This organization is questionable at times, but honestly if they really want us to take someone like that, don't you thing it's for a good reason? Would it even be smart to not follow an elimination order?" Rizellx said, walking down the stairs then looking up at Nitro. "That's something I don't know how to fully answer considering we're not actually doing it."

"Yeah, I don't know if I could though," Nitro said with a low voice, stepping down to Rizellx's level.

"Then you'd be against GAI and that would be a very bad idea." Rizellx looked at Nitro with a serious, yet concerned face.

"Yeah, you're right. Let's go to your house and play Killer Focus 2." Nitro patted Rizellx's left tricep.

They turned right and started walking towards Rizellx's home.

"You know you can literally just teleport us," Nitro laughed a bit.

"Obviously, but then we'd miss out on such a beautiful, orange day." Rizellx smiled.

"It sounds weird when you're all open like this," Nitro laughed more.

"Shut up, don't get use to it," Rizellx said back.

"Player one wins!" The announcer from the game shouted.

"Ah damn this game! This is literally the 5th time in a row!" Nitro put the controller on the couch and stood up in frustration.

"Hey, I'm godly at this game." He laughed, clutching his stomach from the laughing cramps. "Good game though." He laughed even harder.

"I hate you, that stupid game doesn't even register my buttons. It's literally cheating, none of that counts," Nitro said walking behind the couch into the kitchen.

"Hey, that's my food! Get out of my fridge," Rizellx shouted.

"I'm hungry and you cheated! I deserve all of your food," Nitro mocked and shouted back.

"You're really butt hurt aren't you?" Rizellx laughed again.

"You're.... Yeah, so what?" Nitro finally laughed back.

"Just practice, that's the only wait to beat a pro, that's all," Rizellx shrugged his shoulders.

"Whatever," Nitro dipped his head into the fridge.

"Target Assassination Assignment Initiated," a female voice echoed around the room.

"It's go time," Rizellx said, shadows circling him, changing his street clothes back into his work clothes. The shadows dispersed and circled his feet, pulsing with dark blue and black energy.

"I'm still hungry," Nitro clicked a button on his metallic, red right arm. It showed an image of armor in front if him. Nitro jumped through with a white tank top and golden pants only to leap out of the other side dressed in his all silver, sparkled nano body armor, with his face mask materializing around his mouth and nose.

"Show off?" Rizellx said looking over at Nitro.

"You're the one to talk, shadow man," Nitro teased back.

"Let's just see what we got," Rizellx walked towards him laptop that was on too of a desk next to his flat screen TV.

"Target, Hannibal, mass murderer and extremely violent." The computer explained.

"Interesting, looks like we have some scum to take down." Nitro said, folding his arms.

"Hannibal huh, we don't know what to expect," Rizellx turned to Nitro.

"We got this," Nitro said and turned.

"He has murdered 62 people, and taken their energy in the process, With every kill he becomes stronger. He is a grotesque, skinny man with power that doesn't match his body." The voice continues on the laptop.

"That's helpful," Nitro turned and walked back to the laptop.

"He is location is not pin pointed due to the fact that he never stays in one area for long, but he does his main hunting 100 miles into the east part of the city. He hunts whatever and whenever he feels. He must be taken out," The voice finished.

"We have our mission, let's go," Rizellx said, now serious.

"You turn into a quiet, bossy guy everytime you suit up," Nitro laughed to himself.

"I could create a shadow portal there, but it'll take a lot of energy for that distance," Rizellx offered.

"Nah, we can just drive there," Nitro added pulling out keys.

"Alright," Rizellx responded, following Nitro outside.

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