Chapter 4: Glares and Shadows

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An Astro Fiber car drove up to the sidewalk and opened it's butterfly doors, showing a vacant drivers seat.

"This is what happens with my money, I buy things that'll help." Nitro smiled with pride, walking to the drivers side.

"A remote controlled car, that's exactly what we need." Rizellx said back, shaking his head a slight bit while getting into the passenger side.

Rizellx held out his hand, shadows began to swirl around into a sphere until his laptop appeared in his hand.

"East side, 102 miles. With this car it'll take an hour or so going on the bridge," Rizellx explained, teleporting his laptop back to his apartment.

"Let's go then," Nitro put his car in drive drove off.

Nitro drove the carbon fiber, two doored sports car fast on the highway, too fast for Rizellx's liking.

"You're going way to fast, are you trying to crash this car!" Rizellx said.

"No, watch this!" Nitro flipped a switch and sped up to 200 miles an hour, exceeding the limit by 140.

"That's a car!" Rizellx yelled as he summoned shadows around him.

"Woooo!!" Nitro yelled as he went through car after car.

"It's phasing," Rizellx said surprised.

"It was expensive, it better have had this!" Nitro yelled as he went even faster.

"You're insane!" Rizellx said, smiling with anxiety.

Their speed had made them only a few minutes from where they had to be.

"Rahhhh!" A crazed voice screamed as a slim figure rammed the car out of phase, launched it into the air and flatted upside down. The two assassins spilled out of the car, blood dripping from Nitro's forehead and Bruises on Rizellx's right cheek. Fire danced around as the air desperately tried to carry it away. Rizellx and Nitro struggled to their feet, being caught off guard with such impact had them dazed and confused. A short haired woman met Nitro's eyes as he looked around for what had caused this unnatural accident. A slender, tall woman walked slowly towards the crash. She had a mask that was accompanied by two long, thin tubes that wrapped around to her back, connecting to a small sleek tank from what he could see. She wore a tattered brown jacket with blue slightly cut jeans. Underneath it all was what seemed to be nothing but darkness that stopped at her neck and the fingertips of her gloves.

"Who are you?" Nitro asked as she walked slowly towards him.

"Get away from her," Rizellx yelled from the other side of the car.

She reached the blazing car and grabbed Nitro by his neck before he could even react. She squeezed, making him choke and grab her hand desperately, then punched him in the stomach with her left hand. He winched in pain as each punch felt heavier the more she connected with his body. Shadows began to engulf the woman from behind making her drop Nitro in the process. The shadows pulled her closer as it was ready to swallow her whole, wrapping around her body then her head. Rizellx began to feel vibrations, the woman started to slowly free herself from his shadows, she turned and looked at Rizellx in the eyes. He saw the hate and the pain in her green eyes, she was empty yet full of rage, something terrible broke her heart and she was taking it out on them. She grabbed Rizellx's shadows and pulled him at a speed he couldn't counteract and was clotheslined and thrown at the burning car, exploding on impact.

"I will make you suffer. You took everything from me." The woman screamed through her metallic black mask. "Why did you have to kill him! He was the only person that ever truly cared bout me, why take him away from me? He did nothing to you! Nothing! I'm heart is broken and my mind is shattered, you ruined everything that was good to me, you are going to suffer like me. You're going to feel heartbreak and insanity!" She picked up Nitro by his throat and looked into Rizellx's eyes. "You're going to be insane with me," she cocked her left arm back.

"Wait! I was the one who killed him! He had nothing to do with it!" Rizellx shouted with anger and fear, acting like he knew who he was talking about.

"I saw everything, it was obviously cameras there, both of you fought him!" She screamed.

Laughter rang in the raging woman's ear. "Don't think I'm just helpless, Break Cannon!" Nitro let out a loud scream.

Nitro's nano tech arm morphed into a cannon and released a point blank blast in between the woman and Nitro, causing a blinding explosion. It knocked Nitro back to the car near Rizellx, it barely affected the woman, with minor scratches and having the right side of her closes scorched. She stood still for a minute and stared at the assassins, her eyes were still filled with hate and sadness, now accompanied by determination. She began walking closer.

"The ground isn't going to hold much longer, any more damage and it'll collapse, people will get hurt." Rizellx said to Nitro.

"She's too strong, we're going to be destroyed along with the bridge." Nitro responded.

The woman stopped, then looked around at the unstable bridge. There were civilian cars hit while the three were fighting. She stepped back and squeezed her fists. The cracks were getting worse by the second, her pure strength was a danger to everyone in that area.

"I'll find you again," she said as she disappeared with the dust and debris in the air.

The two assassins looked at each other, both beaten badly by someone they didn't know how to stop.

"We need to tell the commander." Nitro said as he got off of his knees, holding his right side.

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