Chapter 2

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At the castle, Prince Will was sitting at his desk drawing in his room, when his best friend/servent Zach came in. " Hey Will do you want to go on a walk through the town," said Zach. " Grase I think King Grape would probably try and kill me like he did to my parents if he found me or found out that I went into the town," said Will. "Fine then do you just want to go into the garden and cloud watch than." "Sure Grase, that sounds fun." So Zach and Will went down to the garden and went cloud watching, until Andrew found them. "Prince Will why are you out here you know King Grape doesn't want you to be outside of the castle," Andrew said. "But Andrew I'm not outside of the castle walls, no one can see me and I just want to lay in the garden and cloud watch with my best friend." "Prince Will, King Grape exactly said that you are not allowed outside of the castle not the castle walls, even though no one from the town can see you when your in the garden, he wants you to stay inside the castle. I bet it was your idea Zach, you wanted him to come in the garden." "No Andrew I was the one who wanted to come in the garden, I asked Zach if we could." (Will only call him Zach when he's either mad at Graser or is trying to cover him when they get in trouble) "Well, Prince Will I suggest you go to your bedroom before King Grape gets back. I'm still going to tell him what you did, let this be another warning but don't do it again." So Will went to his bedroom as he was told. Graser followed him to his room and closed the door behind him. "Will why did you cover for me this time it was my fault we got in trouble," he asked Will. "Because Grase I didn't want you to get in trouble with Andrew, he could have locked you in the dungeon for this. You just want me to have some time to relax not in my room, it's what best friends do," Will answered. "Thanks Will." " No prob Grase." After that they both sat in Will's room talking about random stuff for the rest of the day. When King Grape got back to the castle Andrew did tell him and he was not very happy.

Author's Note: Hey guys I hope you have been enjoying the story. I have decided when I will update this story or try to. I will hopefully be updating this book every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I possibly might update it on a Saturday sometimes. I really will try to not take a long break on this book like fool friends rock (if you read it), but I'm an all star cheerleader and competition season starts in December and ends May. But I will try and not let that mess with updating this book. See y'all again on Monday bye.

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