im ashamed

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Really guys? Freaking really?

So I've been getting private messages saying that they were mad that I casted a person of color as the lead. Calling her things no one should be called because of her race. It's 2019. Can we please hold the racism? I'm ashamed of some of you.

lol comment that publicly if you have a problem with her race, saying that she's ugly for it. Don't be a coward and message me privately on it. She saw the notifications to. She said she doesn't care, but I know she does. And it effected me too cause she's my best friend. Delilah was based off her. There would be no story without her.

And for the people who actually have hearts, and commented nice things, thank you. I appreciate you so much, and so does she. Yeah

Wrong Number, Right Girl/ The Avengers & Peter Parker Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now