Chapter 18

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Peter pampers 🍼-
" I need advice. And a lot of it."

" At four am in the night? How timely."

Peter pampers🍼-
" Oh sorry, did I wake you?"

" No, I just happen to be awake at Four am. I'm pretty sure the first time you called me it was around this time too. You really gotta work on your sleeping schedule, pampers."

Peter pampers🍼-
" I'm the same age as you."

" Supposedly. It sure doesn't seem like it."

Peter pampers🍼-
" Being a nice person doesn't make me immature."

" No, but being immature makes your immature. But it's okay, your immaturity made me the head of the biophysics and technology unit at Stark industries."

Peter pampers🍼-
" Exactly. So how about that advice?"

" Sure, shoot. By shoot, I mean tell me your dilemma not shoot your web shooters at this time of the night."

Peter pampers🍼-
"You're not funny."

" You're right, I'm hilarious."

Peter pampers🍼-
" Sigh."

" Did you just say sigh? Instead of actually sighing?"

Peter pampers🍼-
" Your point? Anyways, there's this kid in my class, his name is Flash. And he's been giving me a hard time lately."

" Dude, his name is Flash. Don't take it to heart."

Peter pampers 🍼-
" You've never had to deal with bullies, have you?"

                         " Nope. I probably was the bully."

Peter pampers🍼-
" I don't doubt it."

                     " I was kidding, but is that it?"

Peter pampers🍼-
" No, but he along with everyone else thinks that I have an-"

                 " Let me guess, internship at the Stark industries? To hide the fact that your Spiderman. And what? He doesn't believe you?"

Peter pampers🍼-
" Weirdly accurate, but yes. So what should I do to prove it?"

                                                                " Don't."

Peter pampers🍼-
" What?"

               " Don't try and prove it. What you can do, and what you know is incredible. You don't need validation from others, especially not from a guy that goes by 'Flash'."

Peter pampers🍼-
" I guess you're right, thank you."

                            " You know, you gotta stop doubting yourself. I feel like you're your worst enemy at times."

Peter pampers🍼-
" We met once."

                                   "And yet, I can still tell. Also we've been talking for over two months, so I know what I'm talking about."

Peter pampers🍼-
" I guess your right. I'll work on it."

                                   " Also, work on improving your sleeping schedule and not waking people up at four am. Wake me up again and I'll spray bug spray on you. Much appreciated."

Peter pampers🍼-
" I-"

                                 " Now I'd like to get back to my temporary death. Goodnight." 

Peter pampers🍼-
" Good-"

         *Delilah has disconnected the call*

Peter pampers🍼-
" -Night."

A/N hey! So I'm naturally my worst critic so if one of you could give me some feedback ( negative or positive) to make the book more enjoyable, that'd be really great. I like how it's turning out, I was just wanna make sure you guys are too. So comment some feedback about what you like/dislike!

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