Part 19

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Marinette's POV:

I stared at the clock, waiting for class to be over. Adrien's words kept replaying in my mind. I was so lost in my own thoughts, I didn't hear the bell ring.

"-rth to Marinette? Hello? Mari?" Alya waved her hand in my face.

"Hm? What?" I snapped out of my daze to look at her.

"Class is over, and Prince Charming is waiting for you," She pointed to the door where Adrien was leaning against the door frame.

"Oh, uh, okay," I gathered my things, "Wish me luck."

"Text me after, I want details," She winked.

I nudged her playfully and headed to the door.

"Hey," Adrien smiled.

"Hi. Okay so, let's find a private place to talk." I gave him a small smile and headed out the door, motioning for him to follow.


"Did you mean everything you said this morning? Because I've hardly ever spoken to you without being a stuttering mess and I always thought maybe that just freaked you out." I asked.

"Yeah, I did. Your stuttering has never freaked me out, I've always found it to be adorable," He answered.

My cheeks became a light pink as I sheepishly smiled, "Oh."

"So, that girl from the park. Is she your girlfriend?"

"No, she isn't. It was just one date, I promise."


"Marinette, I've said I like you a lot but you've never really told me how you feel about me."

"Oh ... I - well I mean I've always meant to. I've tried to. I once wrote you a love note, answering a poem you once wrote but I forgot to sign it, but I'm me. Not very surprising. I've never been able to actually say a proper sentence to you and well you're you so I've never been able to verbally say it. So, I guess here goes. I like you, a lot, Adrien. Ever since your first day. I mean, I really, really like you."

He smiled. His smile was so intoxicating I couldn't help but smile too.

"Go out with me," He leaned back in his chair.

"Like on a date?"

"No, I mean like, go out with me, be my girlfriend, Marinette."

My cheeks turned red. I tried to speak but no words would come.

"You're cute when you're flustered," He smirked.

"I - I. Isn't it a bit sudden?" I awkwardly laughed.

"We've known each other for years, Marinette. And I don't want to waste another second where you're not mine."

"We've known each other as friends. You've never liked me until recently." I sighed.

"Marinette, listen, I've liked you since forever really. I've just always buried my feelings, denying them, because I didn't want to ruin our friendship." He leaned forward, placing his hand on mine.

I pulled it away, looking down, "I don't know, Adrien. Maybe we should wait."

He frowned, "If that's what you want."

I stood up, "Just, wait here. I'll be right back."

"What? Where are you going?" Adrien turned to look at me as I walked away.

I spun around, "Just, wait. Stay here."

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