Part 9

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Adrien POV:

I exited the limo and saw Marinette walking with Alya and I waved. She smiled and went back to her conversation with the brunette."Adrikins!" A high pitched voice shrieked.

Chloe came barreling towards me but I side stepped and she fell to the ground. "Sorry Chlo got to run," I held back my laugh and went to class.


I spun around in Marinette's chair as she was talking about the project.

"Adrien. Are you even listening?" She giggled.

"Totally," I replied.

"What is with guys and that chair," She whispered.

"'Guys'?" I stopped spinning.

"I uh um -" Her face became a bright red.

"Has another boy been in your room?" I teased.

"Um - ya. But back to the project." She changed the subject.

"Ah come on. Now you have to tell me who," I insisted.

"It's irrelevant to the project," She shook her head.

I stood up and moved my face close to hers,"Now I really want to know."

"Uh-" Her face turned redder than before,"It's ... Chat Noir."

She squeezed her eyes shut and stepped back. "How hard was that," I chuckled.

"Very," She answered sarcastically.

I smirked and got in her face again, "I didn't think of you as the sarcastic type."

"I didn't think of you as the nosy type. Guess we were both misled," She smiled.

"Ouch." I mocked hurt.

My eyes drifted down to her pink lips. Without thinking I closed the gap between us. Marinette was taken back then she kissed me back. I pulled away after a few moments. " I have to go. I'll call you later," I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs.

Why do I keep doing this? Deciding between Marinette and Ladybug is only getting harder and harder.

The Project | Adrienette [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora