"You can't! Look, it wasn't all my fault. When I went into the bathroom, I caught Draco crying, which he didn't like, so he attacked me first. We then started fireing hexes at each other, but when I heard him start to use the Cruciatus Curse, I panicked and sent an equally bad spell back at him" explained Harry.
"Where did you even learn such a horrible spell?" Asked Sara curiously.
"I saw it in a book. Someone had scribbled it into the margins, and written the words for enemies, beside it"
"So you just took a risk, and used it on someone you didn't like, to see what happened?"
"Look, it's really no different than the spells that my dad would have used on people like Snape"
"Yes it is, we used hexes, not curses. So don't talk about things that you know nothing about... You don't know a lot about your father, but let me tell you now, that he hated the Dark Arts. It was one of the reasons he disliked Snape so much, because Snape would often use Dark Magic. But James never retaliated and used Dark spells back, he always rose above the likes of Snape".

"Snape has given me a detention, every Saturday from now until the end of term. Which means that I'm going to miss the last Quidditch match of the season" complained Harry.
"And you deserve it. I'm serious Harry. After what you did you deserve to be punished. And missing out on things you like, is the only way you'll understand the seriousness of your actions" replied Sara.
"But I-"
"You were very lucky that you weren't expelled Harry. You nearly killed a fellow student, so you're getting punished for it. But I honestly think that you are getting off lightly. A detention, once a week, from now until the end of term, is hardly going to make much of an impact on your life".

"But it was an accident!" Exclaimed Harry.
"That does not excuse your actions I'm afraid. You're nearly an adult now, and you need to understand that there are always going to be consequences, that come from your actions" reminded Sara.
"I know. But what's done is done, I can't go back and change what I did. However, if I could, I would"
"Life would be easy if we could just go back and correct our mistakes. Unfortunately, things are never that simple"
"I'm aware of that. And I'm sorry that you had be called in to lecture me like this. I didn't mean to embaress you"
"I know that you didn't... But Harry, you really let me down. I never thought that you would ever do a thing like this. I always thought you were such a good boy. But I guess I was wrong".

Harry's jaw dropped, and Sara could tell that his face was going red, from being so ashamed.
"I didn't mean to let you down" he said quietly.
"Well you did" admitted Sara.
"Yes. I know... Do you think I let my parents down?" Harry asked awkwardly.
"Well, I certainly don't think you've impressed them, that's for sure"
"I'm sorry. I promise that I'll do better in the future"
"You'd better, because I don't want to have any more summons from McGonagall, to come and give you a stern talking to"
"Don't worry, you won't"
Sara stepped forward and hugged Harry goodbye. She felt guilty for being so harsh towards him, as she hadn't meant everything she had just said, but she needed Harry to feel bad, so that he realised how serious his actions were.

After leaving Harry in McGonagall's office, Sara made her way through the castle, but before she made it to the front doors, she was stopped by Dumbledore.
"How did your talk with Harry go?" Asked the Headmaster.
"As well as can be expected. I felt bad for being so mean to him, but it was necessary" sighed Sara.
"Yes, it was. We can't have him doing anything like that ever again"
"No, I agree... Well, goodbye Dumbledore-"
"Wait. Before you go Miss Burne, I would like to ask you something"
"Sure, what is it?"
"I was wondering if you would like to join the Hogwarts guard?"

"Yes. We have a whole bunch of Aurors stationed here of course, like your friend Tonks. But I was wondering if you would like to join them? This way you get to be close to Harry, which might stop you from worrying about him so much. And it might make him consider his actions more, if he knows you are so close by" admitted Dumbledore.
"Is the Ministry really O.K with someone like me, being near children?" Asked Sara.
"Well, I wasn't going to ask for their permission"
"You don't work for them, therefore this matter does not concern them. But you are a member of the Order of the Phoenix, so you follow my instructions. And I want you to be here"
"I know but-"
"You don't have to be here though, if you don't want to"
"No, I want to".

"Good. Since it won't be your offical job, you don't have to follow a timetable as such. Just pop down any time you feel like, day or night, and patrol the corridors with the other Aurors" instructed Dumbledore.
"O.K. Thank you... You've always been so kind to me, even if I wasn't that nice to you last year" admitted Sara.
"You were under a lot of stress back then, being trapped inside Grimmauld Place 24 hours a day, so your anger at me, is perfectly understandable"
"Still, I shouldn't have been so mean to you. So I'm sorry"
"Apology accepted. Now, you'd better get going. It's a long walk back down to Hogsmeade"
"Yes. Goodbye Dumbledore"
"Goodbye Miss Burne".
Sara flashed a quick smile at Dumbledore, before heading outside, and making her way down the mountain towards the town, so that she could Apparate back home.

Redemption For A Monster (Marauder fanfic) Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now