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"Do humans really believe that Bigfoot is an apelike man?" Dex asked Sophie as they store into the big muddy footprint in the ground.

Sophie laughed. "Pretty crazy, right?"

It has been months since Biana's kidnapping. She had scared Sophie and Keefe to death when she had told them she remembered everything. They had assumed she had gained her memories back as well, but that's not what she was referring to. Turns out she remembered Sophie teleporting them and overheard the conversation between Sophie and Keefe about their memories.

That lead to a confusing conversation about how Keefe and Sophie both know what their futures are. Neither knew why or how. Biana tried her best to understand but she was still struggling, even now.

Thunder cracked overhead and Sophie jumped.

"I don't like this place," Dex mumbled, his periwinkle eyes scanning the tree line as he moved closer to Sophie. The damp, heavy air made his light blue tunic stick to his skinny arms, and his gray pants were caked with mud. "Let's find this thing and get out of here."

The trees ahead began to rustle and Sandor drew his sword.

"It's just Grady. Can't you smell him?" Sophie asked as her adoptive father walked out.

"No. Can you?" Sandor quickly placed his sword back into its sheath.


"That's probably because I just spent twenty minutes crawling around a sasquatch den." Grady sniffed his sleeve and coughed. "Whew—Edaline is not going to be happy with me when I get home. The den's been empty for a while. And I'm guessing you guys haven't had much luck picking up the trail?"

Dex pointed to the scratch he'd been examining in the bark. "Looks like it climbed this tree and traveled in the branches from here on out. No way to tell which way it went."

Sandor sniffed the air with his wide, flat nose. "I should take Miss Foster home. She's been in the open for far too long."

"You didn't even have to come with. No one knows where we are."

"I go where you go," Sandor said firmly, sheathing his sword and running his hands down the pockets lining his black military-style pants to check his other weapons. "I take my charge very seriously."

"Obviously," Sophie grumbled.

"We need Sophie, remember? Are you picking up anything?" Grady turned to Sophie.

"That way." Sophie pointed towards the way the found Silveny last time. They all headed towards where her finger said.

"You didn't even check." Dex shook his head and grumbled before following the rest of the group. "I still don't understand how you do that."

"You're a Technopath, not a Telepath. I don't understand what you do."

"Shhhhh, they'll hear you!"

"Technopathy isn't bad at all," Sophie remarked. "I think it's cool."

"Easy for you to say. It's not fair you get to be an ultra powerful telepath"

"I'm also a genetically altered freak," Sophie reminded him. "I can't control it."

Sophie opened her mind. It wasn't that hard to find Silveny. The sparkling flying horse was thinking about food of all things.

"You're supposed to stay by my side," Sandor complained.

Sophie ignored him, pointing toward the snowcapped mountains. "She's up there."

"She?" Dex questioned.

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