Chapter 2

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A/N This book starts off a little slow, but it picks up, don't worry.

Jungkook awoke with a start as his alarm went off. He groaned, remembering it was only seven in the morning, meaning he had an hour to get dressed and ready before the car picked him up. He hesitantly got out of his warm bed in favor of a shower. Once showered, he got dressed, not bothering to do any makeup or his hair. He dressed in casual clothes.

By the time Jungkook finished with all of that, it was time to meet the car downstairs. He quickly grabbed his bags and took the elevator down. When he got to the lobby, he could see the car pulling up outside, just as the clock turned to eight.

The driver came in the door, grabbing Jungkook's bags, and escorting him to the car. He got in the backseat of the car and buckled his seat belt. The driver got in the after closing the trunk, where he had stored Jungkook's bags.

"Hello, Mr. Jeon, how are you today?", he asked cheerfully.

"I could be better", Jungkook replied with a sigh.

"Well, after a drive with me, hopefully, you will be", the driver chuckled," Any music you care to listen to?"

Jungkook nodded and plugged his phone into the aux cord, putting on his favorites playlist. He turned up the volume and sighed happily, hearing the songs he needed to get him through this car ride and the whole month.

"Good taste in music", the driver said.

"Thanks. Hey, how long is this drive exactly?", Jungkook asked, hoping it wasn't long.

"Eleven hours", the driver responded.

"Eleven hours! Where am I going?", Jungkook asked. The car had begun driving about ten minutes ago, that meant he had a while to go.

"A small town in Indiana", he replied before turning up the music, so he couldn't respond. Jungkook sat back against the seat, pouting. This was going to be pure torture.


Taehyung walked outside. It was currently seven in the evening, meaning Jungkook would be there soon. Dinner was being prepared, cooking in the crockpot. He sat on the porch as a car rounded the corner in the distance. The car pulled into the driveway with a screech as it stopped. The driver got out, not near as cheerful as when the journey had begun.

The driver grabbed Jungkook's bags out of the trunk, setting them on the porch. Then, there he was. A stunning boy, with wavy brown hair, and hazel eyes stepping out of the car, straight from New York. He walked towards the porch as the driver took off.

"You must be Jungkook", Taehyung smiled, holding out his hand.

"Yes I am. I'm sorry I don't know your name", he replied, shaking his hand before putting his hands back in front of him, clasping them together.

"I'm Kim Taehyung", Taehyung said to clarify.

"Okay. So, what are the plans?", Jungkook asked.

"The plans?", Taehyung asked, a hint of confusion on his place.

"Yeah, like sleeping arrangements, food, what do I have to do, stuff like that", Jungkook clarified, his tone making it seem like Taehyung should have known what he was talking about. Taehyung fought the urge to roll his eyes at Jungkook's attitude.

"Follow me", he said, starting to walk. Jungkook scoffed softly," Problem?"

"Aren't you gonna get my bags?", he asked.

"Nope, you're not in the city anymore", Taehyung said. Jungkook huffed and picked up his own bags. He followed Taehyung inside, immediately being greeted by Yeontan.

"What's that?", Jungkook asked, startled as the dog barked at him.

"That's my dog, Yeontan. What, have you never seen one? He's friendly, don't worry", Taehyung said with a roll of his eyes, motioning him up the stairs.

"I was just startled, of course I know what a dog is", Jungkook grumbled as he followed Taehyung, unable to stop himself from giving the fluffy dog a little smile.

Taehyung led Jungkook to a small room with a bed, TV, dresser, and adjoining bathroom. It was the guest room he had gotten ready the night before.

"This is where you'll be staying, the bathroom is fully stocked with what you'll need, and the TV has cable. If you need anything in the middle of the night or something my room is right next door", Taehyung said.

"Thanks. I guess I'll unpack", Jungkook sighed softly.

"Okay. Dinner will be ready soon, we are having pot-roast", Taehyung announced before leaving the room, and shutting the door behind him.

Jungkook sat down on the bed and looked around at the quaint little room. It was a lot smaller than his bedroom in New York. He opened his suitcase and began to unpack, putting things in the closet and dresser. He already didn't like this place, not one bit.

Meanwhile, Taehyung walked down the stairs. Jungkook wasn't anything like he thought he'd be. However, he was right about one thing: Jungkook didn't like it here. That was evident since he got out of the car. From the look on the drivers face, to the way he looked around like everything was infected, it was clear.

Taehyung sighed and walked into the kitchen. He took out two plates, two forks, two cups, and two napkins, setting it all down on the table. He filled the glasses with water and the plates with pot-roast. He took a deep breath, smelling the delightful scent of the food. There was nothing like the smell of a homecooked meal.

It wasn't long before Taehyung heard the stairs creaking, signaling Jungkook was coming down the stairs. He sat down at one of the spots at the table, Taehyung sitting down at the other. Taehyung started eating right away while Jungkook just picked at his food.

"I know it's not a five-star restaurant's food, but it won't kill you", Taehyung chuckled. Jungkook gave a half smile, almost mocking.

"Well, with all due respect, there are a lot of things that could kill me here", he mumbled.

"Like what, hard work?", Taehyung scoffed mockingly.

"It could", Jungkook pouted.

"Oh my gosh. Listen up, you came here to learn your character for a movie, that's an opportunity most people don't get. I was given instructions to teach you to do what I do. Now, you are going to do all the same work I do. You will do what I say, when I say it, without argument or complaint. Do I make myself clear?", he scolded. It was like talking to a five-year-old who must clean their room. Jungkook was silent a second before answering.

"Understood", he muttered.

"Good, now, enjoy the meal", Taehyung said, back to his charming self. Jungkook made a look of disgust when Taehyung wasn't watching. After much debating and picking at the food, Jungkook finally decided to eat, figuring he would have to eventually.

Though he would never admit it, it was actually really good, better than his favorite five-star restaurants' pot-roast. Jungkook finished not long after Taehyung. Taehyung cleared the table, leaving the dishes in the sink to be taken care of tomorrow morning. It was about eight at night by the time they were done. Taehyung began to head up the stairs.

"I suggest you get to bed, Jungkook. Our day starts at six in the morning", he said walking up the stars. Jungkook headed up after him and got ready for bed. He laid down and began to close his eyes. He was really going to hate it here. 

A/N Also, I've started posting books on my other account that have og characters, but they're redo's of the ones on here. If you could go show them some love, that would be great! You can just leave some reads and votes, you don't have to actually pay attention if you already read the taekook version.

Words: 1313

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