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some act is hollering an introduction and the crowd is screaming, music and talking and general noise never ceasing at punk rocky, but somehow yoongi's finding it easy to ignore. maybe it's the fact that hoseok's got him pushed up against the side of angel's van, lips ferociously kissing in a way that feels like he's about to devour him.

"you look so fuckin' good," hoseok curses, his pink lips messily kissing yoongi's cheeks, smearing spit over them. "honestly, fuck, are you trying to kill me?"

yoongi chuckles softly, his hands resting on hoseok's belt, fingers hooked in his belt loops. he pulls the singer forward like that, kissing him with that same ferocity; hoseok's outfit and hair and everything has been driving him just as insane, the fishnet top revealing rippling muscle and flat stomach and pierced nipples, his beautiful slightly-too-long purple hair falling in his eyes constantly, hands combing it back. fuck, and hoseok's hands, all calloused and warm and big, they touch the skin above his hipbones with tenderness, riding up underneath yoongi's t-shirt and driving him insane.

"could say the fuckin' same about you." he whispers breathlessly when they break apart, hoseok's eyes gone dark. they kiss again and again and again, and it's all hot and wet and hungry, tongues sliding against each other, hands exploring skin and hair and leaving fire in their wake.

"we—we can't fuck here," hoseok breathes, yoongi's heart racing at his words. the shorter shakes his head, experimentally rolling his hips against hoseok's and making the singer curse.

"who said anythin' about that?" yoongi smirks; oh yeah, he can wear the pants in a relationship too. just 'cause hoseok was the one who dragged him out of the rip 'ems tent under the guise of "we gotta check if the guitars are tuned, like", and then he pinned him against the van as soon as he could, doesn't mean that yoongi's some submissive little flower.

"'re you that desperate?" yoongi says teasingly, kissing the veins on hoseok's neck, biting at a bit of skin beneath his ear, hoseok's hands shaking where they touch his skin. "we cannae fuck here, no. guess you'll have t' wait, innit?"

hoseok gasps softly as yoongi squeezes the bulge in his jeans with a flash of teeth, clearly worked up from just that. yoongi pushes him away by the hips, a smug look coating his features. "c'mon then. haven't we gotta check the guitars, like?" he chuckles lightly and smacks hoseok's ass with a cheeky grin, the singer making a pained expression.

yoongi's bass is a very sexy and theme-fitting blood red, shiny and sleek, a contrast to seokjin's light pink one. he slings it over his back, knowing that it's perfectly tuned from practice. hoseok puts his on his lap, sat in the boot of the van, the guitar angled awkwardly away from the obvious bulge in his trousers. yoongi smirks, swinging his hips to the fifties swing-style tune playing from a band with an elvis-accented lead singer.

"you're a prick," hoseok mutters as he starts to pluck at his guitar strings, the guitar sounding quite in tune. yoongi chuckles, sitting beside him with a cigarette between his fingers.

"you don't get to wear the trousers all the time, love," he says, knocking his knee against hoseok's. "play well and maybe you'll get sommat out of it."

hoseok scoffs, swinging his guitar around his back and, in one quick move, he puts a hand on yoongi's thigh, knocks the cigarettes from his lips, and crashes their mouths together. yoongi had yet to blow out the smoke he'd inhaled, so it streams into hoseok's mouth and fuck, it burns; it ignites a fire within hoseok, and he kisses with ferocity, sliding his hands onto the hot skin of yoongi's chest, pinning his body against the van's interior. yoongi groans when hoseok's hand slides up onto his neck, holding his chin in place, nipping hard at his bottom lip.

it's all intense, and the world seems to melt away around them. it's just them, just lips and hands, hands grabbing at collars of shirts and leather jackets and skin, skin on skin, panting, spit-slick lips and sweating skin. yoongi presses his fingerprints into hoseok's biceps, allows himself to be kissed out of his mind. "fuck," he pants, a line of spit connecting him and hoseok when they separate. "fuckin' hell, fuck—"

he grabs at hoseok again, an insatiable need for skin on skin taking over him like fire on gasoline. hoseok palms the groaning bulge in yoongi's trousers, making them both groan, the electricity buzzing between them indescribable and uncomfortable. "god, you're—" yoongi pants heavily, unable to get the words out, mind completely addled with this new drug called hoseok.

hoseok smiles, cupping his cheek with a calloused hand. he looks around them, eyes careful but also alight with some kind of fire. "d'you wanna, maybe, uhm..." he bites his lip and not-so-discreetly looks down at yoongi's trousers. yoongi grins smugly, looking hoseok in the eyes with matching fire.

"fuck it. shall we?"

it takes around fifteen minutes for them to be almost too fucking late for the rip em's set, and they show up wearing one another's clothes, hair mussed and cheeks flushed and matching smug grins on their faces, guitars tuned and clothes noticeably rumpled.

"where the fuck 'ave you been?" seokjin slaps hoseok's arm when they come back. dawon's set them up with seats on top of amps not being used and they're right in front of the stage, perfect view of everything.

"tunin' the guitars, innit?" hoseok grins, throwing an arm around yoongi when he sits beside him. jeongguk's sandwiched between maxxie and seokjin, smoking a cigarette and smiling, giving hoseok a wink.

the rip em's are onstage now, hyuna behind the drums, the guitarist and bassist taking their place, and syd's behind the synth piano, a huge pair of sunglasses on her face. all that's missing is dawon. and oh, boy, does she make an entrance.

hyuna starts up a slow beat, something straight out of some old western movie, and the guitars join with ease, plucking out a killer riff. dawon times the footsteps of her huge creepers to the drum beat, walking dramatically across stage; her short skirt is paired with a loose, unbuttoned man's shirt, and her hair doesn't have a single strand that isn't matted and tangled. written across her arms in dark eyeliner are the words 'wild woman'. hoseok grins; that's his sister alright.

"what's fuckin' happenin', punk rocky?" dawon yells into the mic, and the crowd screams back; girls, all girls dressed in clothes that scream i don't give a fuck, lipstick smeared and hair wild. "hello everybody! hope you're all fuckin' ready, yeah?" they scream again, louder every time. "right, everybody..."

soyeon starts plucking out a funky sounding riff, and dawon swings her hips. "okay, everyone, on three, i want you all to scream with me..."

the song crescendoes, and dawon and the crowd scream as loud as they can, and she's going, screaming and shouting her lyrics and dancing like a madwoman, and hoseok grins, swinging an arm around his band mates. "fuckin' excellent!" he yells, and they're all bopping their heads along, and yoongi's hand is on his and it's warm and man, hoseok feels pretty much fuckin' over the moon.


written – 290919

sorry it took so long guys :( i started sixth form like two weeks ago and i've been Tired™ but i finally watched bohemian rhapsody and it inspired me to write this shitshow of a chapter

also chicken noodle soup... y'all... am i the only one that thinks the chorus is wack ?? idk man it was aight

sixth form has been Funnnn i've met cool ass people and i'm definitely being myself a lot easier than i was in my old school which suCked so yeah that's cool beans

vmin r next chapter y'all prepare for tenderness

— love, jace

UGH!  /  SOPE & VMIN.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt