BE my girlfriend?

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Waking up to Ian beside me was one of the best thing i can ever ask for, i couldnt believe i hated him, the guy have been secretly crushin on liked me so much, i couldnt help touch is face, i kissed his nose and smiled, am the luckiest girl.I wanted to get up and pee but Ian wont budge, i tried lifting is hands but it was so stiff, was thinking of what to do then i decided to kick him off the bed.. i couldnt help but grin, i pinched and pushed him off the bed i heard him yelp, i ran so fast into the bathroom to pee but i know i was in serious trouble.. i have been waiting there for the past 15mins and Ian didnt make a sound..

"Ian are you there?" he still didnt make a sound maybe he is hurt

"oh shit Ian omg Ian" he was still on  the floor

"Ian please wake up i didnt mean to push u like that" i was already crying, maybe hes unconcious am so dead, i thought of what to do

"okay cpr" i began to push is chest with pressure, then i gave him mouth to mouth,then he was kissing me back, i tried to pull away but he was holding me down. i was trying to get out of his hold but he wont stop, when we both pulled out we were panting for air, i hit him so hard on the chest "dont you ever scare me like that"

"ouch what was that for"

"ask me again and i will heat you so hard in the head"i said between sob

"i was scared i thought something happened to you" i said crying, he came closer and looked into my eyes holding my face

"am sorry i didnt mean to scare you like that"i could see he was sorry, all i did was nod

"will it be crazy if we made out right now" he said smirking

"nope its sounds amazing"i said popping the "p'

we made out all through the morning talking about us growing up, how Ian bullied me, he aplogized over a billion times tellin me he didnt mean to, that he just wanted my attention, i told him i have forgiven him but he still felt guilty.

 "Ian i think we just missed school"

"nope we called in sick

"how cause we were both here?

"i already told elizabeth to tell the principal you are sick and i told Alex to tell him i am also sick"

"wait which Alex?

 "my best-friend that took you out on a date"he said smirking

omg i totally forgot about alex i think am cheating on him because we went on a date together

"claire you not cheating and he didnt ask you to be his girlfriend and dont even think about it because you are mine"


"no but claire"

" but am not your girlfriend too"i said smirking

"do you want me to spell it out"he said pouting like a 2yrs old

"sometimes i doubt you are even 18"

"okay claire marie daniels will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"

"nope"i said popping the 'p'

"claire marie daniels will you do me the honour to being my girlfriend? he said on his knees, i was blowing my nails like i didnt care but deep in me inwas doing my happy dance.

"okay"i said non chalantly

"okay what claire?

"okay i will be your girlfriend" i said smirking at him

he carried me on is shoulder pinching me on my butt

"ouch what was that for?"

"for almost giving me an heart attack"

i couldnt help but giggle, now am officially his girlfriend wow that was fast.....

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