something in common

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I was coming down the stairs when my dad saw me and he smiled saying

"Alex don't forget to have a nice time." Alex was looking at me like I was coming out of a magazine or something.

"wow you look beautiful swittie." my dad said

"you look hot and sexy together" he winked at me ,then my mum came crying, I had to give myself a face palm which was in my head

"oh ho-ney you lo-ok so gr-eat." Can't believe she's still crying, I rolled my eyes at my mum, I can't imagine she's crying in front of my date, would I ever get a date again? Hell no arrgghhh, how am I going to prove to Ian that I can get a guy at my feet? Didn't know have zoned out until Liz snapped her fingers

"don't tell me you already thinking of how you and Alex are going to go down at it." Linda said laughing

"huh?? What?." I was already blushing that everyone could see

"wow hold on there tiger, not when aunt Darcy and uncle Steven are both here". Liz said winking at both Alex and I

" I don't mind if they do." My mum said laughing, everyone in the room stared at my mum like she has five head

"what? At least we know she's not going to die a nun." My mum shrugged and started crying like when I thought this would go any better.

" hell no." my dad said giving Alex a death glare ,

"you will bring my kiddo back here before mid-night, do you understand?

"yes sir" Alex looked like he was about too pee on his pants, his face was priceless, I was trying to hold a laugh when my dad turned to me

"kiddo put me on speed dial, call me, and call 911, and hold your pepper spray for emergency and don't forget all the ninja moves I thought you."

" don't mind your dad have fun to the fullest and young lady a min past mid-night is going to land you into trouble with me, got it ?"

"yes mum" my mum hugged me

"can we go now?" I asked Alex

"yh, bye mr and mrs daniels." He opened the door for me to go out

"and don't forget to use protection" I could hear my mum shouting, Liz and Linda where just laughing

Alex opened the door for me to get in and we left my house, the silence was awkward until the radio started playing jessie j nobody is perfect, I love the song so I started singing along, I totally forgot Alex was there until I was through with the song I realized Alex stopped the song already

"sorry, I sound horrible I know." He looked at me like I was a crazy person

"no you sound great, wow so you can sing? You should go for a talent show or something" I just shrugged and called him "crazy" although it was in my head

"am serious you have a big talent you shouldn't waste"

"you know you the first person to ever hear I can sing not even my parent or friends know, can you please keep it between us".

"okay but why?"

"nothing just don't think am good enough." I shrugged

"you must be crazy to ever think that, you actually know you have amazing parent and great friends" he's eyes where serious and I could see he was saying the truth.

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