Chapter Fifteen

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By the time morning had rolled by I had exhausted myself with my attempts to undo Adam's binds, he had disappeared a few hours earlier to 'sort out Vincent' and hadn't returned.

I hadn't known that he was so talented with knots.

The door clicked shut and I heard the lock go mere minutes after I had given in to exhaustion, seconds later Adam strolled inside looking somehow both frazzled and calm. Almost instantly he started to shed his clothes and then climbed onto the bed beside me, pressing up against my side as he closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry for leaving you," he murmured, "but I had to deal with him, I hope I didn't leave you hungry."

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and slowly shook my head, not wanting to speak to his verbally.

There had been rumour of fledglings acting out uncharacteristically and that, at times, it could lead to their master having to deal with them in the worst way possible. I had been foolish to think that there wasn't a chance Adam would slide down this hole, it was all retrospective but the evidence was there and I had ignored it.

Now Vincent was gone and Adam was keeping me tied up like a personal prize.

I was disgusted in him for killing my husband and myself for not realising just how likely this was to happen.

"Don't be mad."

Something inside me snapped, a kneejerk reaction to one of the small statements that just grinds on your nerves.

"'Don't be mad'? You killed my husband!" I found myself snarling while tugging on the binds again, adrenaline releasing a new flurry of energy inside me.

"I know, but he was an ass."

"And I loved him."

"Because he obviously loved you too," he said dully, I could practically hear the eyeroll on his statement, "that's why he would leave you for nights on end and have sex with others."

I flinched at the candidness of his words and found my hands clenching into fists.

"That comes with having a long life, Adam, it didn't bother me."

"Don't try lying to me, it did and it doesn't come with the life, you didn't stray until I came along."

Tears pricked at my eyes as I looked down at him, his blue eyes had opened when I wasn't looking and were now staring up at me intensely.

"I didn't mean to upset you but we both know it's the truth."

"I loved him," I repeatedly feebly.

"And if he loved you like he claims then he wouldn't have strayed or let you be with someone else."

His hand moved up my hip and over my stomach as he settled in further.

"Rest, we'll discuss this tomorrow night."

"Will you at least untie my hands?"

"No, not until I know you're calm and won't do anything rash, now sleep."

He near enough instantly followed his own advice and slipped into a peaceful sleep, meanwhile I could only watch the sun beginning to rise and illuminate the back of our amazing blackout curtains.

Tears continued to roll down my cheeks as my mind raced.

I wasn't sure what to do.

Not that I could do anything just yet, but when he finally unbound me I had no idea what I was supposed to do.

This was my home, I had been here for fifteen years and didn't plan to move for at least another ten, as per routine just to be on the safe side so neighbours didn't question certain peculiarities.

Adam wasn't going to harm me, that much I knew, but I also couldn't cast him out of my home. Although that stage was coming to an end, he was still in a fragile place and I wasn't entirely certain that he would know what to do with himself.

Sure, he was old enough to take care of himself and he wasn't an idiot, but I was worrying about him in a way a mother worries about their adult child, in a way you knew was needless and pure paranoia but you couldn't stop yourself.

I tilted my head to look down at him, his dark hair covering his face and contrasting against his pale skin.

Against my better judgment, my eyes slowly trailed down his body, stopping at his thighs as sordid imaginings and memories started to flash in my mind.

Things which had led us here in the first place.

With another wretched sob, I looked away and back towards the window.

My head was beginning to hurt and my mind was racing uncomfortably fast.

Sleep wasn't going to meet me soon, but I wished that something would take over and numb this ache I was feeling.

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