Chapter Three

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"Are you going to maybe stop drinking my entire supply?"

Adam looked over at me, his newly grown fangs extended and his pupils blown wide from the euphoria that came from drinking the red substance.

His eyes flickered towards me, though he kept his head tilted back and his tongue rested atop his bottom lip as he held the glass up, trying to catch any drops that might happen to be left over.

Slowly he lowered his head and gave me a dark look that sent a pleasurable shiver down my spine and caused arousal to flare up.

"No," he answered casually, the one syllable sounding amazing despite the slur in his voice from his high.

I slowly raised my eyebrow whilst tilting my head and clicking my jaw.

"And why not?"

"I'm hungry and this is your fault, so tell me why I should be so generous."

"Because it was an accident, I've apologised profusely and have offered to help you through this."

He shrugged uncaringly and set down the glass on the coffee table that sat in front of us, it's top piled high with many books and lists that I had yet to go through and sort out.

"That doesn't excuse what happened."

"I never said it did, just that it gives you no right to drink through my entire supply, that shit doesn't grow on trees you know."

"No, it flows through people who you attack for it."

I rolled my eyes and flipped him off, turning my attention back to the book I'd been attempting to read despite the distractingly handsome man sat beside me.

It didn't help that lately he had taken to leaving his shirt off, for reasons I presumed had to do with making sure the collar didn't irritate his still healing bite mark but he was yet to confirm this, and lounging about in his trousers.

Part of me wanted to believe that he was doing it on purpose, but considering how much he hated me for the time being I pushed that thought aside.

"Whatever," I sighed, glancing over my shoulder towards the crack in the otherwise drawn curtains.

With a sharp slap to my knees, I stand up and stretch my arms over my head.

"The sun is rising, it's time we settled down."

"That time already? Damn."

Adam set his glass to one side and followed my lead, standing up with a stretch and a quick glance around the room.

"Let's go then."

I look at him with a raised eyebrow then laughed, shaking my head.

"Oh no, you're sleeping out here from now on until we can make space for a new bed."

"Really? You turn me and now you're going to relegate me to the couch?"

"I will for as long as you keep playing the guilt card."

"But it's gotten me what I want so far."

I don't fail to notice the playful smirk he shoots me, one of the only emotion besides neutral I had ever seen him express.

Truth be told, I was beginning to think he was incapable of feeling anything beyond meh.

I regarded him for a moment with, what I hoped was, at steel gaze then sighed.

"Fine, but your boxers stay on this time."

Adam glanced down at himself as if to confirm that he was still wearing something to cover his legs and then shrugged.

"Ruin all my fun, why don't you?"

"That was precisely my intention, now come, bed," I turned away from him and headed towards the bedroom, "tomorrow I'm teaching you how to get your own supply."

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