Chapter Five

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The nights that passed after our hunt went by quickly.

As each one went by we found that we were able to tolerate each other better, Adam had stopped making snide remarks about my mistake at every turn and I tried to welcome him more as a fledgling than a burden I had to take on.

We were drawing ever closer to two and a half weeks and the usual bond between a newly turned and their biter finally began to form as I taught him more about what it meant to be a vampire.

It was typical for a strong bond to form a few days after the turned first woke up, for a while the fledgling experiences a growing need to be around and protect their turner at all costs until they eventually branch out on their own, typically to leave and live their new life as they wished.

More often than not the bond is full of lust and lewd wanting, though Adam hadn't shown any signs of that, he had started displaying other bonding hints.

Such as gradually getting closer to me, as if his entire being needed to be around me at all times and a protective nature started coming into play as a mere bump of my elbow would cause him to fret just a little more than he would have originally, which previously wouldn't have been at all.

At least now he actually asked, in the most casual tone I'd ever heard; "Are you okay?"

If truth be told, it was kind of pleasant.

Having Adam as company was a relief from the silence I was used to, even if I enjoyed time to myself and the silence beyond my own noises it was still pleasant to know that there was someone who I could talk to, even if it had taken a while for us to get there.

It got lonely in this small house when Vincent wasn't around and being a loner at heart didn't stop me needing someone to talk to at times, of course there were phone calls but they weren't the same as having someone face to face.

Talking on the phone was nothing compared to a quiet night, spent with us doing our own thing and occasionally jumping into very short conversations.

Sometimes we would watch television, which Adam seemed to enjoy complaining about.

"I just don't get what the fuss is about, it's all mindless drivel these days, dumbed down to feed the masses as if they can't think for themselves," he complained, his head resting in my lap as his fingers strummed at an acoustic guitar.

"Sadly, we do live in a society who at times do find it hard to deduce things," I laughed, playing with his hair while my eyes remained on the pages of the book in my hands, "not all mind you, but I've definitely seen a decline as the years have passed."

"It's really that bad?"

"Unfortunately it is, so your hipster ways are justified just this once."

Adam's fingers seemed to fumble a little and his hand slapped against the wood at the base of the guitar, my eyes flickered down to meet his intensely blue ones.

"I'm not a hipster," he protested, his mouth set in a hard line.

"You kind of are," I smiled, "maybe we should give you one of those man buns I've heard so much about."

"Touch my hair beyond the stroking and I will drain you."

"Why Adam, you kinky son of a bitch."

He rolled his eyes and went back to his experimental strumming, causing me to laugh and ruffle his hair.

"You're lucky that I prefer it how it is."

"I feel so lucky."

"Cut the sarcasm or I'll cut it all off."

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