The New Pride

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Sahr's Birth: King Kion and Queen Rani are already adults, having age enough for having a cub. They already have one: Citta, and that day would be the birth and presentation of the second cub.

In front of the Tree of Life, Kion and Rani standed on the small rock in front of it, smiling at the inhabitants of the Tree. Queen Rani knew that the birth of her new baby was that day, she was sure, but not that it would be so early, for she soon felt a great pain, indicating that the birth was just then.

 "Oh no! Is it now?" Kion asked in despair, as he heard his mate's low screams.

"I think so. Agh!" Rani replied, still in pain. "Anga, Binga, Fuli, Nirmala! Come help me!" She yelled.

"Go, honey" Bunga said.

"Okay, rotten fruit." Binga replied before she headed to the Tree.

"Ono?" Anga questioned to her mate.

"Go, Anga." Ono replied, and as Anga soared to the Tree... "I'll take care of the egg... WHICH IS HATCHING!? Hapana!" he screamed before flying really fast for witnessing his baby's birth."I'll go, Azaad." Fuli said, before running the fastest to the Tree of Life, and the same Nirmala did.

As soon as they all arrived, the little Citta wanted to come in too.

"Papa, why is mama yelling? I wanna check it out."

"No, Citta! We males are not allowed to go in there. Got it?" Kion warned his son.

"I got it. But can you at least tell me why mama is yelling so hard?" Citta said.

"It's because you will get a little sibling, and it is about to come." Kion replied.

Until both heard a little "meow" from the Tree, in the right moment Rani stopped yelling. Then Makini showed up at the entrance, with the little cub in her hands, about to stand in the tiny rock saying:

"Animals of the Tree of Life. Behold and kneel, princess Sahr!" Makini announced, revealing the little cub is a lioness, named Sahr.

And then all the animals at the front of the Tree kneeld the second princess, in honor and please of being in that occasion, beholding the birth of the next member of the royalty of the Tree of Life.

The Discovering: One year-old, Sahr was running in a field, playing tag with her best friend, Garut; daughter of Ono and Anga; and they were having so much fun. Their laughs were high, and all animals near the place would hear their happiness. Until Sahr finally puts her paw with her claws out on Garut's tail, making her scream in pain, but not so much. She pulls her to the ground and they both roll, roll and roll the meadow. In the end of it, they laugh out loud again.

"Tag! You're it!" Sahr yelled to Garut.

"Ha! Just wait!" Garut said. "Tayari!" She yelled.

Then, with the egreagle's (for my brazilian readers, "garçáguia") speed, Garut quickly reached Sahr. She grabed the lioness and pushed her in the ground, same as what she did to her. They rolled and rolled again, and at the end, the two laughed again too. Until Sahr colds the situation, as she looks to her Candra mark, a mark in format of a crescent moon.

"Ever wondered why do we have those, marks?" The lioness questions.

"Of course not!" Garut replied relaxed. "Why would I care? And who cares?"

"Well, I care!" Sahr angrily answered.

"Huh? What? Ugh! You're always the knowledge searcher one!" Garut angrily speaked.

They discussed until the egreagle (for my brazilian readers, "garçáguia") accidently pushes her princess best friend to the pointy tip of the cliff they were at, which if she fell, her journey in the Circle of Life would be completed. Garut was really scared by the accident; she would cause the end of the journey of her bestie; until a swift figure runs through her and heads to Sahr's spot, to push her off the tip. The lioness falls in the grass, gets up again, then sees the face of her savior.

"Thanks, Bagha." She said to her cheetah savior, son of Fuli and Azaad.

"What were you doing in here? Citta and I got worried about your nearly fatal fate." Bagha exclaimed.

"Citta? He's here?" Sahr questioned the presence of her brother.

"Yeah, I am. C'mon. Our parents are calling you to announce a thing to us, and for the Tree of Life inhabitants." Citta said as he appeared from nowhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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The Night Pride: The New Pride, and Other Three StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now