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6 girls have been put away in a part of the maze which has been hidden from the gladers, they all played a big part in wicked before enetering the horror that is the maze. What happens when there part of the maze is opened?


Natasha Lava- 
Natasha is a GARDENER she acts like the leader though. She is super girly and really pretty. She has long black silky hair with the most beatiful blue eyes you have ever seen. Natasha is a sassy diva who doesnt have much fighting skills but can minipulate people.

Silver Dominique- 
Silver is in charge of the COOKing, Silver is the sweetest creature on earth. She has died red velvet hair and grey eyes. She is more into darker things like vampires and the night but she is still the bubbly sweet girl. Silver doesnt have much fighting skills but she can easly gain peoples trust and learn secrets fast.

Porsha Dominique-
Porsha is older than the girls by one year. She is a MED-JACK. Porsha has straight black hair with one strip of orange she has grey eyes like her sister Silver. Porsha cant fight or run very fast but she has the greatest knowledge ever. Her brain works really fast and she always thinks before she acts.

Blade Fiasco-
Blade is the youngest, only by one year. She has long wavey light brown/golden ombre hair and the biggest and brighest green eyes ever which she got from her great great great grandpa. Blade is a RUNNER.  Blade always acts before she thinks and is a funny crazy girl who has alot of energy.

Skyler Fiasco-
Skyler is Blade's elder sister by one year. She is SECOND IN COMMAND. She has dark brown ombre hair and light brwn eyes which sparkle. She is always happy and looks on the brighter side of things, i guess you could  say she has her head up in the clouds.

Nova Supa-
Nova has died purple hair, hazel eyes and is the scariest. She is elder than the girls by one year. Nova is their LEADER and is feirce. She does not take no for an answer. She is still caring though. Nova doest have the energy of a runner but she is very good fighter.

KAY HOPE YOU ENJOY :) :) :) :) :)

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