Chapter 5

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   Hey, this is a really short chapter. Sorry :(.  I will try to finish chapter 6 within a two weeks. If you liked it vote. Thanks

That night I find myself laying in bed, flipping my phone open and than shutting it. When I open it again I go to contacts and look at the new number that has come to occupy my phone, and the name that is beside it. Tom. I cannot help but smile to myself.  He was the one that asked me for my phone number and to my surprise I was happy to oblige. And in return I asked for his.

    As I am looking at his number I scan below at the other numbers accumulated on my phone. One sticks out to me though and that is Becky. She was, and still is my best friend. Clicking on the name I go to our messages. And there is all of our conversations from months ago. It is amazing how normal our talks were back than. Nothing to suggest what was to come.  Clicking ‘Send Message’, I start to type.

Hey, the move was crazy. But now that I am here it does not seem that bad anymore. Not everything is perfect, but we are slowly getting back to normal. Btw, there is a really cool guy here named Tom. I have a feeling you two would have got along well. Mathew is taking the move well. He is already looking for a girlfriend lol. Well I have to go now. Ttl.

      After finishing I take a moment to look at  the message before hitting send. I know we are not allowed to contact anyone from our old town for awhile. But it is not like my parents would know, and even if they did find out what could they say. Dead people can not text back after all.

    The next morning after I take a shower and got dressed, I am in my room trying, and failing, to tame my hair when my phone goes off. Walking over I pick it up to see who it is from. Tom’s name flashes on the screen. Opening it I read the text message that was sent.

Hey, I just got my truck fixed yesterday after school. I was wandering if you and your brother wanted a ride to school. If so text me back. See ya.

After thinking a moment I reply to him.

Sure, that would be great. Thanks o(^.^)o

Smiling, I wait for him to reply. A few seconds later my phone rings again.

See you in 30 than.  : P

     Shutting my phone I go back to the mirror to finish my hair, in a much better mood than before.

     When Tom pulls up along side me and Mathew my mouth drops open a fraction. There is like 10 people in the back of the truck. ‘ And HOW is he going to fit two more people in there?’ I think to myself as I walk towards the passenger side of the truck. Alex waves from the back and I wave back, noticing some of the people from lunch yesterday.  I also notice Tom’s little sister who I have to say does not look happy. 

“ Hey July!” my brother yells and gets  into the truck beside her. ‘July?’ I think. ‘What an odd name.’

“ Um,” I start, embarrassed. “ Is it ok if we ride with you?”

“ Oh ya, it is fine.” Tom says, trying to reassure me.

“ Is it ummm, legal to have so many people in the back of a truck?”  I wonder. Tom laughs and I blush. Oh, he has such a nice laugh.

“ Ya, it is fine. The cops never try to stop us.”

“ If you say so.” I mumble, walking to the back of the truck.

“Hey, where are you going!?” Tom shouts, leaning over to open the passenger door to let me in.

“ I saved a spot up here.”

He motions for me to get in. I look back at July and realize why she was mad.  It would seem she got booted to the back of the truck. But…

She and Mathew seem to be getting along so I guess I should not feel so bad. I must admit though, I DO feel a little guilty as I take a seat next to Tom.

“ Man, trading your friends and family in for a woman.” Jokes Alex, opening the back window of the truck.

“Get lost.” Tom grunts, talking his right hand and pushing Alex’s head back and shutting and locking the window. I hear a clunk and look back. It would seem Alex lost his balance and fell.

“ Is he ok?” I ask, concern in my voice.

“He is fine. He has a thick head anyways.” Tom announces, waving his hand.

“ I heard that!” Alex screams from the back of the truck. I look behind me and he is smirking and winks at me.

“ You were meant to!” Tom laughs as he pulls out onto the road.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2012 ⏰

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